Can’t be that bad? Actually, it’s worse! If Obama is elected, Greg says, well, he just might not feel like writing as many articles as he used to.
I don’t know about you, but living in a world that contains significantly fewer Greg Mankiw articles than the current one gives me the damn fantods. Here’s the deal: We all know that Obama, like any damn Democrat, wants to stick it to the rich. And, as Greg admits, he’s not poor. (Why should he be? He’s a damn genius!) Now, Greg isn’t greedy for himself. (Of course not!) But he would like to leave more for his kids. But with Obama in the White House, he wouldn’t be working for his kids, he’d be working for the man, the Obamaman! And who wants that? Vote for McCain! Vote For McCain! VOTE FOR McCAIN!
God forbid we should actually have to live without Greg’s articles, but it never hurts to prepare against the worst. Go here for a corker (actually, it is excellent) in which Greg admits that economists don’t know very much. You’re asking why you should read articles from a man who tells you he can’t tell you much? A man who knows the scope of his own ignorance is pretty damn smart. Just think of Greg as a Socrates with tenure.