Why are the Republicans putting up such shitty candidates for the Senate this year? So shitty that the Democrats might actually maintain control of the Senate in what should be a shitty year for them? Well, it’s all the Democrats’ fault, says Megan McArdle, who apparently likes to think of herself as the “thoughtful” (“thoughtful” as in hypocritical) anti-Trumper.
See, Donald Trump is a bad guy. We all know that, but the folks who like Trump don’t know it (obviously). Well, how are we smart folks going to enlighten the unenlightened? Who can explain to the ignorant masses that Trump is a shit, so that said ignorant masses will vote the “right” way— vote to nominate moderate Republicans who can win elections rather than mini-Trumps who can’t?
We can’t rely on Fox and Friends: “The most influential parts of the conservative media ecosystem are not eager to give their audience the unwelcome news that a vote for a Trump candidate might well be a vote for that candidate’s Democratic opponent.” No, we can't expect the conservative mdiea to be honest. That wouldn't be fair. But what about the mainstream liberal folks? Okay, that’s a total dead letter: “They long ago lost credibility with conservatives.”
What’s that, Megan? Are you saying that liberals are to blame for Republicans going crazy? Well, not exactly, says Megan:
But Democrats, and the mainstream media, did things that made conservatives less likely to listen when it became clear that Trump had really gone off the rails.
Uh, when was Trump not really off the rails, Megan? And isn’t it true that Trump voters vote for the Donald precisely because he is off the rails, and always has been—because he’s been a heartless, amoral sociopath since birth, and that’s precisely why the Republicans nominated him in 2016 and why every “moderate” Republican has been kissing his ass ever since—because they’re utterly terrified of him? And aren’t you a little off the rails for thinking that it’s the job of the Democratic Party to ensure that the “good” Republican Party (as if there ever were such a thing) can win in November and ensure that Trump toady in chief Mitch McConnell can be boss of the Senate once more? Is that our job?
I’ll say this for you, Megan: you’re an unusual liar. But I’ll also say one thing more: the reason why Donald Trump became president of the United States is that people like you lacked the guts to fight him openly and honestly. “The Democrats will take care of that son of a bitch for us,” said your main man Mitch. Yes, let some other sucker be brave. We’ll hide in the storm cellar until the storm passes, and then we’ll come out when everything is normal again. Guess what, Megan? It’s never going to be “normal” again, and people like you are the reason why.