Is it possible to think up yet another hypocritical reason for objecting to President Obama’s decision to normalize relations with Cuba? Yes! Cries the Washington Post! The President is telling us that normalizing relations with Cuba is just like normalizing relations with Vietnam and China. But, says the Post, that’s why it’s a bad idea:…
Tag: Washington Post
Ow! Ow! Ow!
Once, back in the day, well, I was unemployed a lot. I tried to make a living as a free-lance writer, and while I can’t say that I am the worst free-lance writer who ever lived, I can say that I am the worst free-lance writer who is still alive, because Brad and Harry both…
The Grahams: Lest we forget
As the Graham family “stewardship” of the Washington Post fades into the sunset, it’s worth recalling a few things—more than a few, actually, before Jeff Bezos, aka the $25 billion man, takes over . The Post first made its modern reputation as an ass-kicking defender of the public’s right to know by publishing the “Pentagon…
The Post Re-Bezosed
Why did Jeff Bezos buy the Washington Post? Knows God, as the saying goes. As everyone knows, Bezos and Amazon have been totally about the process; the customers sort out the content for themselves. As Felix Salmon notes, Jeff has never had to deal with “talent,” which is what journalists like to think they are….
Katy to Jill: I don’t need no lousy, stinkin’ mouth to mouth!
No, she doesn’t, not when the Graham family is sitting on the $250 million Jeff Bezos has ponied up to buy the venerable Washington Post. How long Katy will remain as publisher of the Post is undetermined—my guess is, not very long. She got the job exclusively on family ties and her tenure has been…
Thank you, Washington Post!
I am often not a fan of the Washington Post, but, well, May 22nd was an unusual day, a day on which Post reporters Scott Wilson and Karen DeYoung lowered the boom on David “Lover Boy” Petraeus, explaining how Dave’s “toot your horn/cover your ass” approach to congressional relations helped create a monumental PR headache for the not…
Vote for the Would-Be Murderer, not the Murderer?
Well, it’s a theory. As Glenn Greenwald points out, President Obama has fair claim to be absolutely the worst civil liberties President the U.S.A. has ever seen. The odds are, Romney would be better! That’s a valid inference, even if we simply consider the election a random draw. But, wait, there’s more!—the old “Nixon goes…
The Washington Post really really surprises me! A lot!
I’ve bitched so often about the way Fred Hiatt has turned the Washington Post’s editorial machine into a neo-con slum that I can only pronounce myself totally gobsmacked by this editorial, headlined “Mr. Romney’s rhetoric on embassy attacks is a discredit to his campaign.” Yes, the Mittman’s insistence on his right to lie about President…
The Washington Post surprises me
Since I’ve gone out of my way to make fun of the Washington Post on numerous occasions, I guess it’s only right for me to provide a little praise when praise is due. Well, here’s some praise: the Post’s recent editorial on Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s gross and unseemly posturing was spot on. Although…
The Washington Post: Not entirely without honor, on occasion
I’ve pretty much lost count of the mean things I’ve said about the Washington Post,* but, by publishing “10 Reasons The U.S. Is No Longer The Land Of The Free” by George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley, the Post has demonstrated that it still feels some obligation to present opposing views. Turley’s eponymous blog…