Wouldn’t it be fun if life were like a movie? If every time someone did something wrong, they got punished? Like with a Tomahawk missile? Well, you’re in that movie. The only thing is, I’m not sure the good guys win in this one. You know, it might be one of those dark movies, where…
Tag: Syria
U.S. and Russia totally not alike, New York Times says
The New York Times has an editorial, Vladimir Putin’s Outlaw State, denouncing Mr. Putin for, among other things, lying about the fate of the Malaysian airliner shot down over Ukraine in July 2014 and for continuing to support Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad in that nation’s ongoing civil war. With regard to the downing of the…
The Washington Post demands combat!
It’s time to get tough with Cuba! It’s time to get tough with Russia! It’s time to get tough with China! It’s time to get tough with North Korea! It’s time! It’s high time! That’s the rap over at the Washington Post editorial page, which is definitely cruisin’ for a bruisin’, and I mean a…
New Pentagon Strategy: Don’t fight real wars, prepare for imaginary ones!
As I’ve said before, if you want to know what official Washington is thinking, read Wash Post columnist David Ignatius. In his latest and greatest, David fills us in on what the Pentagon is thinking. The good news is, the Pentagon wants to stay out of the Middle East: “This generation of military leaders has…
Three cheers for Ted Cruz! On select occasions only!
Yes, Teddie can be a shit, often, but his recent interview appearing in Bloomberg Politics, in which he denounced his quasi doppelganger/evil twin Marco Rubio as being basically Hillary Clinton in a mansuit, was something of an eye opener. Cruz, rapping with Bloomberg scribe Sahil Kapur, came up with the following bon mots, among others:…
Thank you, General Petraeus!
I’m definitely not a fan of Gen. David Petreaus, who arguably should be a convicted felon rather than a self-confessed misdemeanorist, but he definitely merits a thumbs up from all thirteen of us in the “Let’s stay out of the damn Middle East” crowd, when he said publicly that sending U.S. troops to clean up…
Thank God for Fareed Zakaria!
U da Man, Fareed! Yeah, a couple of months ago I made fun of Fareed, who was then singing those “Why can’t we be more like China?” blues, claiming that “With an absent United States, China marches on”. According Fareed, while Uncle Sam sits on his ass, “China marches forward, except now it is not…
The incredible shrinking Barack Obama
“My credibility is not on the line,” President Obama said boldly. “The international community’s credibility is on the line. And America and Congress’s credibility is on the line.” Yeah, Barack, you’re practically a bystander to all this. Oy, the hypocrisy. How long O Lord, how long, how long will it take to empty the vials…
Barack Obama: Not without guile
Yes, Barack Obama does throw a nice curve, and it’s fun watching the Republicans sputter and fume at the thought of having to hit the damn thing, at the thought of having to actually take, you know, a meaningful position on the president’s poison-pen letter, “let’s attack Syria and any other country I feel like…
The President’s policy on Syria is useless and a disappointment to everyone. Maybe that’s the idea!
Hey, it’s August! Things are slow, and it helps to have something—anything, really—to talk about. So administration officials utter proclamations, explanations, and recriminations, while the chattering class chatters in chattering class heaven. How entertaining it is to see our war leaders, General William “Wild Bill” Kristol and Admiral Leon “Bull” Wieseitier in particular, strappin’ on…