I find The American Conservative’s Daniel Larison to be indispensable reading. Dan never wearies in his pursuit of interventionist nonsense from both the right and left. His only problem, shockingly, is his overabundance of innocence. All too often, he really believes that the neo-cons, and their liberal interventionist counterparts, really believe what they say. A…
Tag: Peter Beinart
Newt Gingrich is not a racist. He only makes grossly racist statements. All the time.
Over at the Daily Beast, Peter Beinart ties himself into knots trying to explain why “non-racist” Newt Gingrich says racist things, to wit, that black people (and only black people) somehow need to be told that they should stop collecting food stamps and get jobs instead. “Gingrich’s problem isn’t racism,” claims Pete earnestly, the sweat…