No, you don’t, Bret. In the course of a “on the one hand, on the other” take on Trump’s foreign policies, praising “toughness” but bemoaning the lack of interest in, you know, “freedom”, Bret is heartened by Trump’s “get tough” approach to Iran: “Iran suddenly seems interested in discussing its nuclear program after treating the…
Tag: Noah Rothman
Who’s stoopider, Noah Rothman, the New York Times, or the U.S. Treasury? Tough call!
Damn right it is. Over at the National Review, hot shot author Noah Rothman, whose best-selling book, The Rise of the New Puritans, trashing those damn West Coast hippies grown old and rich and censorious, which, if I read it, I’d probably agree with more often than not, is on a tear, tearing into those…