No, Donald Trump is not a nice man, although it took his re-election for this utterly omnipresent fact to penetrate the hitherto impenetrable pate of one John Bolton. Writing in the Wall Street Journal, M. Moustache, America’s most compulsive interventionist, a man who once demanded that the U.S. invade Luxembourg (“and for keeps this time,…
Tag: John Bolton
Who could have seen this coming? Drones, and the people who fly them, are stupid and heartless!
Michael Levenson, writing an “overview” of a major investigation into the U.S. “drone war” in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria conducted by the New York Times, reports: Drawing on more than 1,300 documents from a hidden Pentagon archive, the investigation reveals that, since 2014, the American air war has been plagued by deeply flawed intelligence, rushed…
Republican senators explain: “You thought we were the party of the CONSTITUTION? No, we’re the party of PROSTITUTION! There’s a BIG difference!”
Damn straight there is. If either Mitt Romney or Susan Collins votes “here” when the final vote arrives, I’ll be grudgingly impressed. If either votes to convict, I’ll be stunned. Otherwise, I’m not paying much attention. To my mind, anyone who claimed to be “weighing the evidence” was simply pretending to be stupid. Trump’s grossness,…
Yo, Jeff Bezos! Who writes your scripts, John Bolton?
If, like me, your so-called life has significant late-night gaps, empty hours when you’re too tired, or too lazy, to do anything improving, like reading another history of the Thirty Years War, whose impact still echoes down the corridors of time, or “significant”, like watching a new version of Don Giovanni,1 you might, if you’re…
War! What is it good for! APPROPRIATIONS!
Some time ago—well, thirty years ago, more or less—I read a reminiscence on the journalism biz by Michael Kinsley, recalling the words of journalistic wisdom he received as a tyro from a legendary pundit whose name I have forgotten: “Always sell the same piece at least three times.” By that standard, I’m a motherfucking journalistic…
David Ignatius is NOT a vampire. He CAN see himself in a mirror. He just doesn’t WANT to.
You can’t blame the guy, can you? If I lied like Dave, I wouldn’t want to look at myself in the mirror either. Dave’s latest gaze blocker, delivered in the course of his mandatory suck-up to newly arrived enabler in chief John Bolton, runs as follows: “Bolton’s hawkishness toward North Korea now looks prescient. He…
Moral Obtusities in Collision
That smacking sound you may have heard this morning was the thick head of John R. “Funny Moustache” Bolton crashing into the combined thick heads of Henry “Moral Bankruptcy” Kissinger and George “I thought he knew better” Shultz. A couple of weeks back Henry and George combined for a stunning exercise in moral evasion in…