Meet the new Netanyahu. Not the same as the old Netanyahu, says WashPost rightie turned leftie gal Jennifer Rubin, more in sorrow than in anger. In case you haven’t been paying attention, frequent Israeli prime minister (and frequent AV non-fave rave) Benjamin Netanyahu has sunk from, well, atrocious to abysmal. Simply put, the man hath…
Tag: Israel
Robert Menendez surprises me. And so does Thomas Friedman!
Democratic senator Robert Menendez has made but fleeting appearances in this blog, for no more purpose than to be jeered at by me as “the senator from AIPAC”, thanks in particular to his unrelenting and despicable opposition to the Obama administration’s nuclear weapons deal with Iran, overturned by the Trump administration and now very unlikely…
Memo to Peter Beinart: Physician, heal thyself!
AV fave rave Daniel Larison has a post up1 quoting Peter Beinart from an interview Pete did with John Glaser of the Cato Institute as follows: We also don’t have…we don’t really have a learning process that I think then shapes the public debate. So one of the things that’s really frustrating to me, and…
Shorter Danielle Pletka: Murder is my business
Well, in case you were wondering, we now know why Danielle Pletka, distinguished senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, hasn’t been found in an alley with a bullet in her head: she isn’t important enough to kill! Because murder works! Okay, Danielle isn’t quite that brazen. In her recent, unfortunately (or not) paywalled article…
A confusion of neocons: Hey, Israel, where the f*ck art thou?
Yeah, Israel! Inquiring minds like the WashPost’s Max Boot (Israel can’t stay neutral in Ukraine’s battle between good and evil) and Josh Rogin (As Russian atrocities mount in Ukraine, Israel must take sides) want to know! How long, O Israel? How long? How long can you not take sides in the greatest moral issue of…
Literature R Us Special Conspiracy Edition: Mohammed Bin Salman, Graeme Wood, Jeffrey Goldberg, and Eugene Volokh! Oh, yeah, and Rothschild space lasers too!
Seriously, those Rothschild space lasers are a bitch! They zapped me a couple of years ago, and I’ve been incredibly stupid ever since. So here’s the deal. A couple of days ago, the Atlantic ran a long article by Graeme Wood on Saudi Kingfish Mohammed Bin Salman, Absolute Power, based, according to Wood, on three…
Passive-aggressive hypocrisy hath made its masterpiece: The Volokh Conspiracy’s conspiracy against the rule of law
The Volokh Conspiracy is a website that describes itself as “Mostly law professors | Sometimes contrarian | Often libertarian | Always independent”. They forgot to add “Frequently Lukidist”. The eponymous founder of said conspiracy is Eugene Volokh. To call Gene’s c.v. “glittering” is probably the understatement of the decade. A bona fide mathematical genius, he…
Iron Dome Phonus Balonus: The New York Times hopes its readers are stupid—and damn well wants them to stay that way!
By now you may have heard about the ruckus in the House of Representatives about two weeks ago over funding for the Israeli anti-missile “Iron Dome” program, which eventually passed, after protests from the Democrats’ “progressive” (sometimes) wing disrupted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s attempt to slip $1 billion in funding for the Dome into an…
America’s latest “Forever War” not finding too many recruits
I have frequently—frequently—and loudly—loudly—complained about the compulsion of America’s foreign policy “Blob” to find a replacement for everyone’s favorite multi-trillion-dollar arms race, the late great Cold War, centering, of course, on China, but eagerly tossing in Iran, Russia, and even Venezuela, for good measure. The problem is, not everyone seems to be as afraid of…
Peter Beinart tries harder. Much harder.
In a recent post, Try harder, Mr. Beinart,1 I subjected Peter Beinart to brief ridicule for perpetuating now ancient myths from John F. Kennedy’s half-forgotten “New Frontier” when he expressed the wish, in a column for the New York Times, that more Republican senators would present “profiles in courage”, so to speak, and vote the…