Wash Post columnist Robert J. Samuelson has a column up arguing that spending $25 billion for Donald Trump’s “impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful” wall is a great idea, because building one would facilitate a grand compromise on immigration reform: “If we could buy an immigration bargain for $25 billion, or even a bit more, it…
Tag: immigration
Hey, Paul! It isn’t the president the right wing doesn’t trust on immigration! It’s you!
Appearing on CNN, newly elected House Speaker Paul Ryan “explained” why he had promised conservative Republicans that he wouldn’t attempt to pass immigration reform legislation as long as Barack Obama is president. “Specifically on this issue, you cannot trust this president,” Ryan said, claiming that the president’s executive actions intended to improve the lot of…
Can Republicans say “immigration”? Yes, but only in Spanish
“We should also work through the appropriate channels to create permanent solutions for our immigration system, to secure our borders, modernize legal immigration, and strengthen our economy. In the past, the president has expressed support for ideas like these. Now we ask him to cooperate with us to get it done.” Good to hear, right?…
Ross Douthat’s Obama Outrage O’ the Week
I’m in the habit of reading Ross Douthat’s blog “Evaluations” at the New York Times, which, when he is not ruminating about the reverberative, not to say rebarbarative, phallocentricity of John Melius, is largely devoted to Ross’s mostly honest account of “thoughtful” conservatives like Ross to craft a domestic policy for the Republican Party that…
Republicans to Tea Party: Remember what we said about immigration? Yeah, it was all bullshit.
The Republican Party Establishment, which has been kissing Tea Party ass for the past four years, is up on its hind legs and shouting again. All the “experts,” like Charles Krauthammer and Bill Kristol, agree: we need to learn to speak Spanish! Florida Senator Mario Rubio, whose name even sounds Spanish, is the self-anointed leader…