“No, I Do Not Think the Microprocessor Doomed Social Democracy”, a substackin’ Brad DeLong exclaims, linking to a “very nice” (Brad says) piece by Arthur Goldhammer in Democracy, Chip Shots, a review of Chris Miller’s Chip War: The Fight for the World’s Most Critical Technology and quoting an extensive chunk of it, edited by Brad,…
Tag: franklin roosevelt
Winds of Change Blowing Through the National Review? Or Is Kevin D. Williamson Just Stupid?
Okay, Kevie D. is not stupid, but he seems to be straying very far from the reservation as staked out by William F. Buckley—generally known as “Saint Bill” around the NR water cooler. As anyone who read Buckley and his Merry Band back in the 1960s knows, the National Review regarded Franklin Roosevelt and his…
Anne Applebaum exposed!
Okay, dude, if you came here to Literature R Us, aka “Clickbait Central,” expecting nudie pics, well, take off, hoser, for you’ve been hosed. There are no pics of esteemed scholar Anne Applebaum here, clothed or unclothed. Better you should just quit this site now, google “Celebrity nipslips,” and be done with it. If, on…
Donald’s got a brand new tub!
A few weeks back, I noted that Donald Trump’s rejection of the Paris accords on global warming amounted to a “tub”, a high-visibility, low-significance virtual non-issue that would nevertheless promote much angst and heartburn among the liberal commentariat, both printwise and in talking-heads land, accompanied, in both media, by endless shots of El Donaldo’s great,…
Nikki Ekstein, not always knowledgeable
Nikki Ekstein writes features for Bloomberg, including this one on the Waldorf Astoria hotel, letting us in on a number of secrets, including the fact that there is a secret, presidents only train station under the hotel. “There’s no way to detect it from above ground, but right below the Waldorf is a little-known extension…