That’s the story Felix Salmon (yes, that Felix Salmon) tells here after hearing former Stanford Professor Sebastian Thrun talk about putting his Introduction to Artificial Intelligence course online, which resulted in a total enrollment of 160,000 students all over the world(I’m linking even though the class is “over” for the time being, which means that…
Tag: Felix Salmon
Felix Salmon: Suze Orman is a big, fat idiot!
My god, is it Make Fun of Felix Salmon Week again already? I thought I had just gotten done trashing Felix two weeks ago! How time flies, eh? Well, enough shilly-shallying. Let’s get down to business. Two weeks ago, Felix wrote “I’m a big fan of Suze Orman, and I’m generally very mistrustful of prepaid…
Felix Salmon, not having much patience with fancy supply and demand curves
I read Felix Salmon’s economics blog, if not religiously then frequently, and it’s one of my favorites. But, given the perversity of human nature, I only write about Felix when it seems he’s gotten it wrong. And his recent riff on Uber, a sort of chauffeured-limo version of Zipcar, it seems that poor Felix has…
Felix Salmon, swimming upstream
I continue to be impressed by Felix Salmon’s column for Reuter’s “A Slice of Lime in the Soda” (well, everything but the title). I love his omnivorous appetite for economic data, his command of financial minutiae, his, well, a lot of things, but I also continue to be amazed at his intellectual flabbiness when confronted…
Tim Geithner, Idiot Servant
Yet another entry pissing on poor old Tim? Pissing on poor old Tim isn’t going to reduce the unemployment rate, so maybe I should just shut up and fly to Vegas first class and run up some serious credit-card debt, which would, you know, actually stimulate the economy. But Vegas isn’t really my kind of…