Recently, President Donald Trump was asked to comment on the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell for charges of procuring underage women for notorious sexual abuser Jeffrey Epstein back in the 1990s and, more recently, in 2017, for perjuring herself when testifying about the matter. Quoth1 the Donald I just wish her well, frankly. I’ve met her…
Tag: Donald Trump
Colin Powell can talk! I did not see this coming!
Yes, four-star general of the army Colin Powell can talk! I did not know this! And, as it turns out, he’s pretty good at it!, blasting Donald Trump for “drifting away from the Constitution,” “lying all the time”, demonizing immigrants, and grotesquely exploiting the death of George Floyd in a typically Trumpian orgy of self-congratulation….
When does it stop getting worse?
The good news is, the awareness of the prevalence of police brutality in these United States has reached such a point that even Donald Trump feels compelled to express sympathy for its victims. The bad news is, everything else. Unsurprisingly, El Trumpo stayed on message for approximately two seconds, before veering off to denounce, you…
Hey, Donald Trump! You haven’t just lost Ann Coulter! You’ve lost every self-involved, immigrant-hatin’ bottle blonde in the country! I HOPE YOU’RE HAPPY!
I confess that I haven’t been keeping up with Ann Coulter much these days, for the simple reason that I have a life! Shuffleboard season is almost upon us—I refer, of course, to “deck shuffleboard”—real shuffleboard—not that banal travesty known as “table shuffleboard”—and those cues won’t polish themselves. Fortunately, the American Conservative’s Rod Dreher has…
Shorter Bill Barr: “Let it be said of me that in Donald Trump’s first administration I released the guilty. And let it be said of me that in Donald Trump’s second administration I jailed the innocent.”
Over at Lawfare, Robert S. Litt, former associate attorney general (under Clinton) and former general counsel for the Director of National Intelligence (under Obama), makes short work of Attorney General William Barr’s thimble and pea sleight of hand that converted Michael Flynn’s arrant lies into airy nothingness on the grounds that they could not be…
Yo Max Boot! Congratulations on exposing Phyllis Schlafly! Now try exposing yourself! (Well, you know what I mean!)
What is the deal with Max Boot and why do I keep making fun of him? Well, for one thing, his name is really short and fits easily in a headline. Another is that, well, he has a habit of falling short of the truth—the whole truth, that is. El Maxo is a very solid…
What would Ronald Reagan do?
Daniel Drezner, who seems to be my favorite straw man/straight man, and maybe even tin man, has a long post up at Reason, “There Is No China Crisis”, which is absolutely gold. As Dan points out, in a thoroughly researched and most convincing manner, the very many sins and crimes of the Chinese government doesn’t…
Maine Senator Susan Collins is very, very stupid
At first I thought I would come up with something witty for this head, you know, the way I usually do, but then I figured, why should I bust my ass for the likes of Susan “Dumb Little Bitch from Maine” Collins? Amirite or Amirite? Back in the day, a fairly recent day, Susan said…
Jonah Goldberg, still not getting it
Over at the National Review, the sometimes sensible Jonah Goldberg (but only sometimes) has a cri de cœur so poignant that I feel I have to give poor Jonah a helping hand. In a bitterly worded piece, Jonah explains the suffering he endures watching President Trump’s daily briefings on the coronavirus: “I hate them with…
Shorter National Review: Daddy only hits us when we make him mad
Yes, that’s the way both Dan McLaughlin and Kylie Smith are spinning it over at the National Review. Listen up, Media! We all know that the president is “unusually thin-skinned and capricious, that he is keenly and perhaps unhealthily focused on what the media are saying about him at any given nanosecond, that he has…