Well, probably not, but it does look like he’s got a nice three-carom billiard shot at home, bouncing Vladimir Putin off of both Tucker Carlson and Mitch McConnell as a way of exacerbating the friction between the True-Trumpers like Tucker and the “Why Won’t He JUST FUCKING DIE ALREADY!” crowd headed by Mitch himself. If…
Tag: Donald Trump
Mike Pence goes INSANE! Says the American presidency belongs to the American people
Did someone put LSD in Mike Pence’s milkshake? Did he have a drink with a woman who was not his wife without the presence of the woman who is his wife? I doubt if we’ll ever know, but, whatever the cause, I’ll be eternally grateful, because Big Mike, speaking to a friendly (I hope) crowd…
Yuval Levin (and Ramesh Ponnuru and Ross Douthat) and the utter hypocrisy of the “responsible Republican”
Yuval Levin, hailed by none other than Lyin’ Paulie Ryan as a serious conservative thinker, has a ponderous, and thoroughly repulsive “think piece” up at the New York Times, Democrats, Voting Rights Are Not the Problem, in which he tries to pretend that there are good arguments for election law reform “on both sides”! Because…
Passive-aggressive hypocrisy hath made its masterpiece: The Volokh Conspiracy’s conspiracy against the rule of law
The Volokh Conspiracy is a website that describes itself as “Mostly law professors | Sometimes contrarian | Often libertarian | Always independent”. They forgot to add “Frequently Lukidist”. The eponymous founder of said conspiracy is Eugene Volokh. To call Gene’s c.v. “glittering” is probably the understatement of the decade. A bona fide mathematical genius, he…
Jonah Goldberg, cannons to the left of him, cannons to the right of him
A week or too ago I took an entirely justified crack at poor old Jonah Goldberg, deservedly lumping him together with the likes of Ross Douthat, Jack Shafer, Daniel Drezner and Ramesh Ponnuru as pussy-footing semi-Never Trumpers for acknowledging that the Big Guy himself was entirely unacceptable while denying that he constituted a real threat…
Dan and Jack refuted; Kagan expanded
Are Dan Drezner and Jack Shafer Brothers of the Asp? Because they certainly are Queens of Denial. Both Dan How scared should we be about 2024? and Jack Why the Fear of Trump May Be Overblown cast a cold eye if not cold water on Robert Kagan’s widely discussed and damn well verging on magisterial…
“Thoughtful” Trumpers have a new gambit: Pragmatism!
Yeah, sure, that’s the ticket. Appeal to the ululating Republican masses with, you know, bloodless calculation! Because nothing gratifies a feral, nihilistic bloodlust like, you know, reason! That’s the latest, and perhaps most pathetic, stunt attempted by National Review dudes David Bahnsen and Rich Lowry, among other soulless cowards, to reap the rewards of Donald…
Clarence Thomas’ “originalism” too original for Damon Root
It is, I think, “amusing” to expect intellectual consistency from a man who, like four other unscrupulous “conservatives”, found that George Bush had a constitutional right to the presidency, come hell or high water, in the very worst Supreme Court decision ever, Bush v. Gore, whose multiple hypocrisies were ably deconstructed back in the day…
Shorter Ross Douthat: Pay no attention to that orange-haired man with his hand up my ass!
Last Sunday, Ross Douthat ran a column, “Three Paths to Containing Trump”, acknowledging in a fairly straight-forward manner that Donald Trump was a monster, that the danger that he would be the Republican nominee in 2024 was a real one, and that a “strategy” was therefore needed to forestall this danger. The three strategies Ross…
When Jennifer Rubin Does the Cuban
Okay, unless you’re familiar with the swing-band classic “When Reuban Swings the Cuban”—and you probably aren’t—you’re probably guessing that I’m accusing Jennifer Reuban of going communist, and I’m not. There was a time when I spent so much time making fun of Jennie for her passionately Likudist psyche—she once denounced Sen. Rand Paul for not…