A couple of years back, when, it seems, I was feeling particularly down in the mouth, I wrote an extended piece bearing the title The Republicans: WTF Happened to this Party?. Recently, a couple of actual Republicans have written books asking themselves the same question, viz. Matthew Continetti (The Right The Hundred Year War for…
Tag: Donald Trump
Yo, Joe! When Denouncing Donald Trump, It’s Considered Bad Form to Imitate Him!
Yeah, Uncle Joe was in rare form at his Independence Hall spectacular, complete with “dramatic” lighting and U. S. Marines in full dress uniform. I mean, who was the advertising wizard who came up with that one? But, seriously, folks, it’s a seriously dismal idea to use U. S. military as the backdrop for any…
Shorter Megan McArdle: “Yes, I am a lying hypocrite. Why do you ask?”
Alan Vanneman non-fave rave Megan McArdle has had a revelation: “It’s time for Republicans to save themselves”. According to Ms. Mc By mid-February 2016, it was clear that some kind of collective Republican action would be needed to keep Donald Trump from winning the nomination. Instead, everyone stood around hoping that someone else would do…
Shorter Mitch Daniels: “No, I don’t have any balls. What’s your point?”
Politico may have set the record for “most inane political headline of the year” with this entry: “A Nice-Guy Conservative Emerges From Political Self-Exile”, which might be better titled “Eighty-year-old fat-assed conservative continues to hide his fat ass under the bed”, because that’s precisely what fat-assed former Indiana governor Mitch Daniels is doing. This sublimely…
The Democratic Party has a duty to ensure that the Republican Party will nominate Senate candidates who will defeat their Democratic opponents in November, Megan McArdle explains
Why are the Republicans putting up such shitty candidates for the Senate this year? So shitty that the Democrats might actually maintain control of the Senate in what should be a shitty year for them? Well, it’s all the Democrats’ fault, says Megan McArdle, who apparently likes to think of herself as the “thoughtful” (“thoughtful”…
Socio-political notes from all over
God Bless Niall Ferguson! (Pretty much) It’s hard to think of anyone I have trashed so consistently and so contemptuously as Niall Ferguson, whom I once grudgingly praised with a thoroughly uncivil leer as a Thelonious Monk-loving slimeball, while also urging readers not to read his then most recent book, whose title will go unmentioned…
Donald Trump not a nice person, Jack Shafer discovers
I don’t mean to dump on Politico columnist Jack Shafer—well, actually, I do mean to dump on him, but I’d prefer not to admit it—but his latest column, Trump’s Alternate Reality Hits a New Crazy Note with Dr. Oz all too accurately describes the very real menace that Donald Trump presents to American democracy and…
Thank God for the National Review!
I’m generally not a huge fan of the National Review, but, well, I’m in an excitable mood these days, ready to let out a mighty cheer of affirmation at the drop of a hat, really, and the folks at NR dropped a lot more than that when they published an absolutely sensational piece by one…
Yo, Ross Douthat! William Jennings Bryan was no Donald Trump!
My God! Has it already been almost five months since I last insulted Ross Douthat? Well, time flies when you’re fightin’ the COVID, I guess (a very mild case, fortunately). But now I’m back, definitely, and loaded for bear! Not to mention smart-mouth conservatives! What got me a little ticked was a recent Ross confection,…
Chick fight! Chick fight! Bill Barr does The Donald, and vice versa.
“I would imagine that if the book is anything like him, it will be long, slow, and very boring.” Okay, that is probably not Donald Trump’s description of former attorney general William Barr’s sexual technique, but, well, you never know. This lover’s spat was set off by Bill’s attempt to hype his new book, which…