The New York Times—along with many others—took righteous umbrage when President Trump, asked why he insisted on cozying up to a “killer” like Vladimir Putin, responded by saying “What, you think our country’s so innocent?” The Times earnestly, though, one must say, rather innocently, acknowledged our own lack of innocence: “There’s no doubt that the…
Tag: Donald Trump
Tom Nichols is looking for work! And the Washington Post is helping him!
Tom Nichols, in case you don’t know him, is a professor at the Naval War College and the Harvard Extension School and the author of The Death of Expertise. Last year, Tom fired off a snappy little piece in The Federalist titled “I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump. As Tom tells it, that was…
George Will would rather write about the Black Death than Donald Trump
Well, you can hardly blame the man, can you? The Donald’s current reign of t/error is a lot less palatable than the centuries-old horror that reduced Europe’s population by a solid 25% back in the fourteenth century. But after you get past Georgie’s first paragraph, his current think piece becomes less a history lesson than…
Nazi Holocaust did not target Jews, Trump explains
Okay, two weeks of Trump and I’m a week behind on the outrages. Well, get used to it, because it won’t get any better. Last week, when Donald Trump was proving to the world that he hates foreigners, he was also proving to the world that he thinks Jews talk too much. It’s always about…
Which side are you on?
That will be the question in coming days. Donald Trump is all about winning—Cheating? It’s a good thing! No, it’s a great thing!—and DC talking heads, some of them, anyway, are realizing that Donald Trump’s Administration is already a guaranteed disaster, unlike any other in American history. David Brooks, my long-time whipping boy, is turning…
Oh, that Donald Trump! He’s as bad as Barack Obama!
Really, that’s the meme du jour on the right, with the Wall Street Journal (of course) leading the way. “The President is treating our neighbor like Obama treated Israel”, sighs the Journal, though this probably doesn’t mean that Trump will be giving Mexico $4 billion a year, no strings attached, until the end of time.1…
I predicted this!
Well, I did. A couple of weeks back, I wrote a post, “Why Donald Trump will be our very worst president, by a very wide margin”, and, one week in, it’s already true. For the past seven days, Donald Trump has been running around like a chicken with its head cut off, except, you know,…
Russia hacks U.S. elections! Does this mean that Putin is as bad as Netanyahu?
Well, it’s a question to be asked, isn’t it? I mean, Netanyahu (and Israel) is always interfering with our elections! And now, so is Putin! I mean, who do they think they are, us? Afterwords The fact that Russia hacked the DNC computer network and deliberately released the information to weaken Hillary Clinton’s chances is,…
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Donald Trump
On November 9, 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte engineered a coup that made him First Consul and ended republican government in France. By the date of the Republican calendar then in effect in France, the date was 18 Brumaire in the year VIII.1 In 1852, Karl Marx wrote The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, commemorating in contempt…
Charles Krauthammer half full, Charles Krauthammer half empty
In his latest column, Charlie the K bemoans “the refusal of an unbending left to accept the legitimacy of Trump’s victory.” Sighs Charlie, “It’s not just the demonstrators chanting “not my president.” It is leading Democrats pushing one line after another to delegitimize the election, as in: He lost the popular vote, it’s James Comey’s…