Okay, there’s a fair amount of extrapolation and interpolation required to produce that pungent condensation of WashPost dude Dan Drezner’s last several columns, including the fact that the words “Fareed Zakaria” and “horse’s ass” never appear in any of them. Nonetheless, I feel safe in pronouncing that that is Dan’s bottom line. Fareed Zakaria is…
Tag: Donald Trump
11 tons of fun
How utterly embarrassing it is to be an American. “We” drop an 11-ton bomb on, well, someone, and the Acela commentariat goes mad with joy. At this rate, how can Trump not drop a nuke? I mean, what can the fucker do for an encore?
Paul Ryan is a coward, Mickey Edwards explains
Former congressman Mickey Edwards, writing the New York Times, parses the shrunken role of Congress in the reign of Trump, noting how House Speaker Paul Ryan lets President Trump call the shots on Capitol Hill, as though the Congress were a subsidiary of the presidency rather than a separate branch of government—the legislative branch, as…
There’s a Tomahawk in your future, America! Lots of them!
When in doubt, blow shit up. That must be Donald Trump’s new motto these days, and why not? We all know the Donald lives for press, and he’s never gotten press since becoming president compared with the hysterical “today, he became a man” praise he’s receiving from our addle-pated mainstream media. The New York Times…
Who cares about policy, when we can watch really cool explosions on TV!
That seems to be the take of a much too large portion of America’s pundits, not to mention Congress, the one group of folks who could actually do something about it. Over at Reason, Ed Krayewski counts the banalities of both congressional and pundit reaction to Donald Trump’s big bang: “Such militaristic president-worship, last seen…
Our TV President
Wouldn’t it be fun if life were like a movie? If every time someone did something wrong, they got punished? Like with a Tomahawk missile? Well, you’re in that movie. The only thing is, I’m not sure the good guys win in this one. You know, it might be one of those dark movies, where…
Trumplosion or Trompe-l’œil?
The past several months have been a Trump-loather’s1 dream. Watching the big guy’s world go sideways in so many ways—well, it’s so satisfying that one can’t help but wonder, “When did I ever get everything I wanted all the time?” It’s as though “science” had perfected a peppermint ice cream that causes you to lose…
William Kristol no longer my least favorite neoconservative. For a while, anyway.
For a long time, Bill Kristol, self-anointed “boss” of the Weekly Standard (for so his minions refer to him), has been my least favorite neocon. Billie Boy bears more responsibility than any other non-government official for the trillion-dollar tragedy known as “Operation Enduring Freedom”,1 better described as “Operation Enduring Disaster”, an unforced error that cost…
Shorter Krauthammer: Trump has been president for two whole months and hasn’t destroyed the country, so shut up already!
That’s the word from the K-Man, writing in the National Review. See, it doesn’t matter that our chief executive, the heir to Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, and (I guess) Ronald Reagan, is an ignorant, unscrupulous, vengeful sociopath, a Huey Long with an outer-borough accent. We have two whole other branches of government as well….
Yo, Frank Rich! Want to beat Trump! REPEAL RENT CONTROL!
New York’s Frank Rich has an always hilarious and frequently accurate takedown of what Manhattanite Frank deems “Hillbilly Chic”, the new fashion for feeling the pain of the OxyContin-poppin’ white trash who supposedly put Donald Trump in the White House. As Frank shrewdly points out, if Hillary hadn’t pocketed over $21 million in speaking fees…