“Some brave patriots in intelligence and law enforcement and elsewhere in the federal government have taken risks to get the facts out.” Thus quoth WashPost columnist Dana Milbank, celebrating the appointment of Robert Mueller as special prosecutor for l’affaire Russe. As Dana sums things up, a little too generously, “With the stroke of a pen,…
Tag: Donald Trump
Gen. H. R. McMaster: I only lie when I really need to
Okay, Gen. McM didn’t really say that. But he has been willing to lie before, when it was, you know, necessary, like when Congress might not give the Army all the money that it really, really needed. When H. R. first got the job as national security advisor, I recalled in a brief post, “Lt….
Trump trumps Trump
I was going to write a column saying that “we” (i.e., Democrats) were extraordinarily lucky that President Trump managed to sabotage the Comey dismissal as completely as he did. The original deed was clumsy enough, but adamant denials surely would have put a lid on the matter in a week or so. Only when Donald…
Thank God for Charles Krauthammer! Pretty much.
Yes, Charles Krauthammer, whom I’ve often harangued and harassed, “sometimes … displays a sense of honor” (to quote myself), and one of those times is right now, as he weighs on Trump v. Comey with a well-titled commentary, “A political ax murder”. True, Charlie clings to the now-standard right-wing meme that FBI Director James Comer…
All that stands between the United States and moral disaster is a Republican Congress. That’s a comforting thought.
Well, the first shoe has dropped. Donald Trump’s vast capacity for unreason has moved from potential to kinesis, from words to deeds. The president who bellowed about American “carnage” in his inaugural address is now inflicting said carnage on our already sullied body politic, by firing our infamously bungling FBI director James Comey, who incidentally…
Ross Douthat (yes, that Ross Douthat) explains it all for you
I have been perhaps overly hard on Ross Douthat over the years, though I can say with some pride that I haven’t called him “Ross Dumbfuck” since 2012. But, well, that was then and this is now. Ross more or less hits it out of the park with his latest column, “House Republicans Go Off…
Yo, Senate! Move your ass!
That’s the word from conservative health care policy maven/guru/wise man Avik Roy, writing in Forbes, urging Senate Republicans to stop waiting for House Speaker Paulie Ryan to get his ObamaCare replacement bill through the House before taking action. Avik has already repeatedly trashed Ryan’s bill, but he’s too polite, or too cautious, to repeat himself,…
You have to talk to those people in a language they can understand—that is to say, Spanish
“The message has been received that President Trump is, to coin a phrase, a bad hombre,” the ethically and ethnically challenged Rich Lowry informs us, gloating over the decline in illegal border crossings since the advent of Herr Donald. Granted, Trump’s wild and vicious threats during the campaign—to build a “great wall” and force Mexico…
Donald Trump is FABULOUS!
That’s the word from the New York Times, determined to elbow David Ignatius out of the front of the line of the Donald Trump Suck-Up Brigade. “Covering the Trump White House can be exhilarating, maddening, exhausting — but never boring,” sigh starry-eyed Times’s White House Correspondents Mark Landler, Julie Hirschfeld Davis, Glenn Thrush, Maggie Haberman,…
If you’re reading this, that proves Trump isn’t so bad
You aren’t dead yet, are you? So what are you bitching about? That’s the gist of the latest posts from right-wing double-domes Eli Lake and Ross Douthat, who sound pathetically grateful that they haven’t yet suffered personal beatdowns from the Donald. “If we’re nice he probably won’t hit us.” No president has ever told as…