Back in the day, like the Eighties day, and even later, I used to check out the National Review, either at the newsstand or the library, because I don’t remember ever being dedicated enough to buy a copy, just to keep up with what the enemy was thinking. There were a few writers whom I…
Tag: Donald Trump
Yes, but
Recently, “informed opinion” has protested the leaking of the transcripts of conversations that President Trump had with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Sure, the transcripts show that Donald Trump is an amazing colossal asshole/amazing colossal dick. We knew that! And now foreign leaders will be afraid to speak honestly…
Yo, Conservatives! Don’t Analyze Trump! Oppose Him!
Right-wing double domes, some of them with hair, have been both generating and garnering pixels with critiques of our president’s character. Too much Woody Allen, not enough Gary Cooper, says Peggy Noonan, who seems to have started the ball rolling. Narcissistic and domineering (ya think?), says Charles Krauthammer. Not sufficiently Greek, says David Brooks. I’m…
That gosh darn media! GOSH DARN IT!
You may have read about Donald Trump’s utterly disgusting speech to an assembly of police officers in Long Island during which he enouraged the assembled cops to “rough up” suspects and assured the boys in blue that although current laws “totally protect the criminal, not the officers, we’re changing those laws.” Well, I didn’t read…
Sauce for the goose
Over at the National Review, David French has a piece, Media, Tell the Truth: The Women’s March and Black Lives Matter Embrace Terrorists, rightfully pointing out that officials within Women’s March have repeatedly praised “revolutionary” murderer Assata Shakur, while Black Lives Matter officials have praised Fidel Castro for nobly protecting Shakur and other noble black…
Ramesh Ponnuru, last seen trumpin’ Trump
There was a time, so I’ve been told, when Ramesh Ponnuru was considered a reasonable man. Well, here is his latest posting, in full, “Trump v. Sessions, Rosenstein, and Mueller, over at the National Review: “If the attorney general isn’t doing his job properly; if the deputy attorney general is hopelessly conflicted; if the special…
Jamie Dimon, last seen talking out of both sides of his mouth
Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co., is widely assumed to be a very smart man, as well as a very rich one. BloombergPolitics catches up with Jamie on his way back from a trip abroad to Israel, Ireland and France and reports the following: “It’s almost an embarrassment being an American traveling around…
For the Right, All Roads Lead Through Russia. Unfortunately.
For the “Respectable Right,” I mean—the Wall Street Journal Right, the National Review Right—the “Thoughtful Right”—I guess you could call them, Big Donnie’s recent speech in Poland, which I, uh, didn’t like, made their little hearts beat faster than Max Roach’s Night in Tunisia drum solo from the Jazz at Massey Hall album (which you…
Donald Trump, Defender of the Faith
Donald Trump’s recent semi-hemi-demi blood and soil speech, delivered during his visit to Poland, has provoked an hilarious outpouring of “thought” on the part of the Right, everyone from the National Review’s David French to Noah Millman at the American Conservative, to name two writers whom I frequently read without extensive sniggering. I’m not going…
Donald’s got a brand new tub!
A few weeks back, I noted that Donald Trump’s rejection of the Paris accords on global warming amounted to a “tub”, a high-visibility, low-significance virtual non-issue that would nevertheless promote much angst and heartburn among the liberal commentariat, both printwise and in talking-heads land, accompanied, in both media, by endless shots of El Donaldo’s great,…