The National Review’s Rich “Ice Pick” Lowry “explains” that Trump shouldn’t fire special prosecutor Robert Mueller unless he (Trump, that is) is guilty. “If he’s not guilty, firing Mueller out of pique or political calculation would simply be a catastrophic misjudgment, one that would put his presidency at risk.”
Tag: Donald Trump
Watch Jonah Goldberg morph into Donald Trump
Yes, it’s taken awhile. National Review conservatives like Jonah Goldberg were repelled by Donald Trump’s vicious nativism, his embrace of those good people who shout “Jews, you will not replace us”, plus all his wild talk about how we shouldn’t be in Afghanistan and that he always thought the invasion of Iraq was a bad…
“Bloomberg View” on the Iran nuclear agreement—It’s Unanimous!
‘Has Trump Fixed the ‘Worst Deal Ever’? Kinda, Sorta’—Tobin Hanshaw ‘Trump’s Iran Plan Does Too Much and Too Little’—Megan L. O’Sullivan ‘Trump’s Tough Talk on Iran Fails to Mask His Inaction’—Eli Lake Short version: “INVADE, ALREADY! INVADE!”
Ed Rogers, Hustler Without a Hustle, Politique Without a Party
If you had asked me, six months ago, to come up with a name for right-wing K Street cowboy/honcho Ed Rogers, I might have chosen “Smarmy McSmarmface”, or something, well, equally smarmy. But today I think I’d have to go with “Sad Little Man”, which isn’t really a name but does capture the fact that…
Bloomberg scribes Kevin Cirilli, Sahil Kapur, Anna Edgerton, Erik Wasson, Ben Brody, Shannon Pettypiece, and Colleen Murphy: so not the sharpest knives in the drawer
Perhaps I shouldn’t be making this a case of collective responsibility, but all of these people have their names on an article over at Bloomberg, “Trump Rethinks State-Local Tax Issue Over Middle-Class Concerns”. Guys (and gals): you have to think something before you rethink it. Okay, maybe they didn’t write that headline, but they did…
Republican ZombieCare, just waitin’ for John McCain to die
Yeah, I should be happy. Two things that I wanted to happen so much that I was afraid to say that I wanted them to happen—the collapse of the Republican attempt to repeal ObamaCare and the victory of presumptive senator Roy “Super Bigot” Moore1 in the Alabama Republican primary—have happened. But I’m still not happy,…
Trollin’ Donald
The President of the United States is getting in a pissing match with the National Football League? And he’s cracking down on, you know, foreigners? Possible subtext: Please ignore the fact that I’m totally screwing up both health care and tax reform and God knows what else, not to mention all that Russia shit. Did…
Mitch McConnell’s pathetic ego versus Donald Trump’s pathetic ego
In the annals of ignominious pusillanimity1, few events gleam with a more sickly hue than the recent spat between Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and President Donald Trump over who was “more” responsible for the “not repeal and not replace” ObamaCare debacle a few months back. It’s only “fitting”, I suppose, that Donnie was “right”:…
Ramesh Ponnuru, defending Trump’s UN speech, lays an inverted curate’s egg
What is a curate’s egg? Webster’s Third International defines it thusly: “something with both good and bad parts or qualities [so called from a cartoon in the weekly Punch depicting a curate who was given a stale egg by his bishop and declared that parts of it were excellent]”. So what is an inverted curate’s…
Ramesh Ponnuru gives advice to Donald Trump—Yes, he’s that stupid
Over at the National Review, Ramesh Ponnuru provides some serious right-wing inside baseball regarding whatever the fuck it is Donald Trump is doing playing footsie with Nancy for God’s sake Pelosi—which, if you like serious, right-wing inside baseball, is worth reading. But in his final paragraph, mighty Ramesh whiffs mightily, as it were, with the…