I won’t keep you in suspense. IT’S TRUMP! The bad news—or, I guess, the worse news—is, it’s a close contest. And the worst news—for now—is that it’s not just funny dumb but, all too likely, disastrous dumb. Because the real objective for both sides—though they’re choosing different routes—is a new Cold War, with ever-tightening tensions,…
Tag: Donald Trump
Catherine Rampell is confused. I enlighten her.
WashPost columnist Catherine Rampell—Princeton Phi Bet and winner of the Weidenbaum Center Award for Evidence-Based Journalism—is struggling with the evidence: The real question is why congressional leaders, including [now former House Speaker Paul] Ryan,1 repeatedly cave to Trump’s latest tweets and fleeting fancies instead of writing him off as the flake that he is. Why…
Go Donald! Go Donald! (Some of the time)
Yes, it has come to this: the American “Establishment” is so blind, benighted, and beggared that it takes the installation of a complete mountebank1 in the White House to save that Establishment, and the United States as well, from that Establishment’s ever-compounding follies. I refer, of course, to Donald Trump’s precipitous withdrawal of a relative…
Shorter Ann Coulter: Wah, wah, wah
UPDATE: Humiliated by Ann’s rap, detailed below, Donald Trump is now saying he will fight for like forever to build the wall that Ann so desires, and, yeah, I know Donald Trump always keeps his promises. But somehow I don’t think Ann will ever feel quite the same way about Donnie, aka Cap’n Disaster, ever…
Donald Trump, president of peace?
Amusing, not to mention welcome, if true. My bête noire di tutti bêtes noires has set the Acela world on its collective ear if not its collective rear by his sudden decision to pull all American troops out of Syria, where they never should have been in the first place. You don’t get it, Donald!…
How can Nancy Pelosi lose the Speakership, now that she’s made fun of Donald Trump’s d*ck?
A week or so ago, in a piece breezily titled, for the sake of the faint-hearted (and Mark Zuckerberg), “O my Democratic Party, Where the F*ck Art Thou?”, I argued that the much maligned Nancy Pelosi was still pretty much a shoo-in for re-election as House Speaker: “luckily for Pelosi if no one else, she…
Shorter Ramesh Ponnuru: “We don’t need no lousy, stinkin’ Independent Judiciary!”
Yes, I may have condensed (slightly) Mr. Ponnuru’s sentiments, so let me provide some backstory. A few days back, as Politico’s Matthew Choi reports, a federal district court judge in California, Judge Jon Tigar, ruled against President Trump in an immigration case, causing the president, unsurprisingly, to bellow in rage, claiming that Tigar ruled the…
Imagine how rich we would be if we didn’t pay taxes!
Well, it would be cool, wouldn’t it? How about if we just stayed home from work and did whatever we wanted? Our employers would be totally screwed! Yeah, and what if we bought a car on time and then didn’t make any payments! A Beemer for free? Yeah, I’d take that deal! That sort of…
Thanks to Donald Trump, American combat troops now receiving gritty, invaluable training in “whatnot”
Sure, that Central American “caravan” is hundreds of miles from the U.S. border, and it doesn’t present the slightest sort of military threat to anyone, except the fevered imagination of our national headache, Donald Trump. So why deploy thousands of troops, at a cost of several hundred million dollars, against a non-existent threat? Good question,…
Max Boot’s The Corrosion of Conservatism: A major mea culpa just a few culpas shy of a load
Max Boot has written another “what happened to conservatism?” book, similar but superior to Charles How the Right Lost its Mind Sykes and Rick Everything Trump Touches Dies Wilson, because Boot, unlike both Sykes and Wilson, is willing to re-examine the historical record and discover, among other things, that, yes, the young William F. Buckley…