Donald Trump recounted the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in the following manner: He [Baghdadi] died after running into a dead-end tunnel, whimpering and crying and screaming. The compound had been cleared by this time, with people either surrendering or being shot and killed. Eleven young children were moved out of the house…
Tag: Donald Trump
The U.S. is betraying the Kurds? What else is new?
Donald Trump’s disastrous, incoherent withdrawal from Syria is, in all its disarray, entirely appropriate in one respect—it allows the conclusion of a disastrous misadventure to mirror its start, which was also disastrous and incoherent. (That’s enough “disastrous’s” for one sentence, don’t you think?) The plight of the Kurds, now left to the less than tender…
Don’t “feel sorry” for Republicans. You shouldn’t feel sorry for cowards.
There’s a small but persistent meme floating around that most Republican senators “tolerate” Donald Trump but find him personally, well, “tacky”, one might say. They wish someone more refined were president, but, well, there it is. They’d turn on him in a trice if only the right trice would come along, but so far it…
Yo, “conservatives”! Donald Trump is destroying the rule of law, and you didn’t even notice!
It is a long-running rap of Trump apologists that while the Donald may be a little rough around the edges, substantively (which is what counts, of course) he’s done little more than enact the standard Republican menu of tax cuts, increased defense spending, and, best of all, conservative judges! Well, we can pass over (for…
Republicans: Even when they come clean, they still aren’t clean.
I don’t know a hell of a lot about Robert Tracinski. According to the to all accounts pretty gosh darn Trumpy Federalist, to which Bob used to contribute, “Robert studied philosophy at the University of Chicago and for more than 20 years has written about politics, markets, and foreign policy. He has been published in…
Donald Trump’s Syrian “policy”: At least it’s good for a laugh!
That seems to be the reaction of the great Dan Drezner over at the Washington Post. Ole Dan feels he just has to chuckle at the consternation of his “realist” colleagues, who find that you should be careful what you wish for, a problem, Dan tells us, for all foreign policy mavens. This [the consternation…
Why a “Partisan” impeachment of President Trump is necessary
Back in the day— I mean the day when Bill Clinton was trying to push through his plan for universal health insurance—Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan argued that such a sweeping program should only be enacted on a bipartisan basis, sage advice that was proffered again at the start of the Obama administration, and now, of…
Yo, Eli Lake! It isn’t “treason” to criticize the President! It’s treason to criticize Donald Trump!
Eli Lake often reminds of a man who kisses ass for a living yet insists on complaining about the farts. Eli gets paid by Michael Bloomberg to be, basically, the voice of the Likud, relentlessly advocating a “firm” U.S. position on just about every aspect of foreign affairs, a “U.S. and Israel against the world”…
Yo Republicans! That isn’t an elephant that just sh*t on your living room carpet! It’s a quid pro quo!
That’s right, Republicans. That big, fat, hairy, sweaty, smelly thing that’s in your living room right now, the one that weighs, you know, 25 tons, has bad breath, and makes a lot of noise? It’s not an elephant, or a rhino, or a hippo, or even a Paraceratherium.1 It’s a quid pro quo! Do you…
The ruin that is Trump: When F*ck You isn’t enough
Well, it isn’t. “F*ck You” hasn’t made the North Koreans play ball. Or the Iranians. Or the Chinese. Or even the Venezuelans. Telling the world what to do has proved a lot harder than Donald Trump imagined, and, frankly, the big guy is getting both frustrated and bored, and even a little worried. It’s “interesting”…