I don’t know if you’re up on Rod Dreher, who moans and groans with varying degrees of accuracy regarding the woke folks over at the American Conservative. Rod, a floridly passionate Christian, seems to have undergone several denominational makeovers, rejecting the Catholic Church to settle, I think, somewhere in the fields of Eastern Orthodoxy. Awhile…
Tag: Democratic Party
Shorter Democratic “socialists”: The Revolution will be postponed
I have to thank the editorial staff at the WashPost for this one: Congress passed up an obvious policy tool to fix wealth inequality, pointing out the utter failure of congressional Democrats to revise our nation’s abysmal “keep the rich folks happy” non-tax on inheritances. As the Post notes, billionaire-bashing folks like Sens. Elizabeth Warren…
Political Notes from All Over
Turnout, Turnout, Turnout! Why Democrats love it and Republicans hate it. Ruy Teixeira, a Democratic political centrist after my own heart, has a post up at his Substack blog, The Liberal Patriot, How Not to Build a Coalition, arguing, correctly, in my opinion, “High turnout is just not the magic key to Democratic victories the…
Is Charlie Sykes the new Dick Morris?
Well, I hope so, and I hope Joe Biden or his “people” will take the hint, if not from Charlie himself then the myriad of excellent sources Charlie collects in his recent piece for “The Bulwark”, Joe Biden Needs Four Sister Souljah Moments, explaining why Joe needs to “get tough” with the Democratic Party’s newly…
Democrats in disarray! Who could have seen this coming?
Well, who but everyone? Yes, Joe Biden and his Merry Band have been hit with lots of bad news beyond their control, like the D variant, which put the kibosh on the back to new normal celebrations of last spring, and the continuing flood of desperate immigrants, and the rise in gas prices, and inflation…
For the Democrats, suddenly it’s 1978. And 1994. And 2010. Has anyone seen Dick Morris?
Yes, Democrats never seem to learn. Winning an election doesn’t mean you get to have everything you’ve always wanted for Christmas. You could, I guess, excuse Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama, for all getting it wrong, but Joe Biden, surely the oldest DC hand ever elected to the presidency, can’t exactly claim…
Iron Dome Phonus Balonus: The New York Times hopes its readers are stupid—and damn well wants them to stay that way!
By now you may have heard about the ruckus in the House of Representatives about two weeks ago over funding for the Israeli anti-missile “Iron Dome” program, which eventually passed, after protests from the Democrats’ “progressive” (sometimes) wing disrupted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s attempt to slip $1 billion in funding for the Dome into an…
Shorter Kevin Drum: The Real Source of America’s Rising Rage? Fox News!
Okay, I just saved you about 4,000 words, the approximate length of El Kevbo’s recent meganalysis of the American mood, appearing in Mother Jones, The Real Source of America’s Rising Rage, which has been getting some semi-approving nods around the internet. “I’ve been spending considerable time digging into the source of our collective rage,” Kevie…
Terror From The Skies! Well, sort of.
“Iran-backed militias turn to drone attacks, alarming U.S. forces in Iraq” bellows the headline in the Washington Post. Louisa Loveluck and John Hudson unload a pulse-pounding narrative that is heavy on atmosphere, speculation, and innuendo, but short on, you know, facts, not to mention casualties. Because all this shrieking about those devilish Iranian devils and…
Barack Obama, still not getting it after all these years
I confess that I have not read President Obama’s recent memoir, A Promised Land, nor am I likely to, because I have convinced myself that the political pressures on American politicians make it impossible, or at least exceedingly unlikely, for them to ever write anything that resembles an honest book. I would say that this…