Over at the American Conservative, Dan gives it his best shot in a post labeled “Almost All Sanctions Are ‘Unserious’”, but still comes up short. Maybe it’s the damn feathers, Dan. In dogged fashion, Dan tries his best to make it clear to hawks why arguing about “serious” versus “unserious” sanctions are a waste of…
Tag: Daniel Larison
The Usual Suspects
Daniel Larison gives them each a good spanking over at the American Conservative—William “Bill the Shill” Kristol, Peggy “Peggy the Shrill” Noonan, and George “George the Pill” Will, all hawkin’ and squawkin’ about the failure of President Obama to 1) make all the world’s problems go away with a wave of his hand (in the…
Ramesh Ponnuru, not that innocent
After heaping praise on Ramesh yesterday, I feel it’s only my duty to point out the guy’s seamy side. As Daniel Larison, my favorite Russian Orthodox paleocon notes, Ramesh did not distinguish himself in a recent post arguing that, even after repeated electoral defeats, Republicans “have reacted by trying to kick people out rather than…
Daniel Larison, still bepuzzled
I enjoy reading the columns of Daniel Larison, featured at the American Conservative, though, to my mind, he does go off the rails from time to time on theological matters. Like few of us, Mr. Larison is a Russian Orthodox, and he regards the theology of the Greek Fathers as his particular bailiwick, complaining bitterly…
Confusing confusions: Daniel Larison’s “The confusion of the anti-START hawks”
Over at the American Conservative, which isn’t entirely Pat Buchanan being stupid, Daniel Larison struggles to understand Sarah Palin and the other opponents of the START treaty. Apparently, the Russians have been moving some tactical nuclear weapons around (maybe), and Sarah and her kind are claiming that this is a deal-breaker. Dan is puzzled by…