Over at his substack blog, Notes from the Middleground, Damon Linker has a disturbing—though not in the way he imagines—post up, titled Dialectical Contributions to Democratic Breakdown, commenting on varieties of “bad news for democracies” from around the world—including South Korea, Romania, and, unfortunately, the U.S., which is, unsurprisingly enough, the only one I’m going…
Tag: Damon Linker
The “Tragedy” of Mitt Romney
A double tragedy, in fact, for poor old Mitt was born with both no shame and no balls! A typical Republican, in other words! I was, in fact, quite willing to let poor Mitt go gentle into that good night until pretty near incessant praise for the guy started to get me down, most particularly…
Out like Flynn
How wrong was it for anonymous “Intelligence Community” folks to fink on poor Michael Flynn, who just wanted to chat with his good buddy Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak about, you know, stuff, without everyone and his sister in law making a big deal about it? Or leaking transcripts of those conversations to the Washington Post?…
Damon Linker, on the verge of a nervous breakdown
Wow, those crazy Republicans, eh? And those crazy Democrats! As a nation, we’re on the verge of a nervous breakdown! Yes, there’s yet another outbreak of even-handedness fever, this time at The Week, where repentant theo-con Damon Linker casts a cold eye on the doings and sayings of the current crop of Republican presidential candidates:…
The dormition of the theocons*
I recently stumbled across a piece by Damon Linker—one not related to the burning question “Would you like your daughter to be a whore?”†—that intrigued me to the point of tracking down and reading his little book The Theocons, published back in 2006, telling the tale of Richard John Neuhaus and the First Things gang,…