Poor Bret Stephens. He went into town, just tryin’ to do right, and look what happened to him! Well, don’t let no one tell you them dogs won’t bite, n’est-ce pas?1 A couple of days ago—well, in dog time—Bret wrote a column “The Secrets of Jewish Genius”, that, in its original form cited a “study”…
Tag: Bret Stephens
What’s worse than suffering through the faux double entendres in those insufferable Duluth Trading Co. ads? Suffering through the insufferable whining of New York Times “conservatives”
Yes, NYT-approved conservatives Ross Douthat, who has, on occasion, received a hearty thumb’s up from me, and Trump-hatin’ Bret Stephens, whom I’ve basically ignored, have both been actin’ conservative and actin’ out in recent days. First up, and the more dispensable, is Ross, who’s actin’ all Catholic and accusatory, heading off a recent column on…