Scatter much? The Democrats sure don’t, if you can read the fine print of this graph, appearing in a report, Political Divisions in 2016 and Beyond, prepared by the folks at “Voterstudygroup” and written by Lee Drutman, linked to by the not always to be ridiculed and scorned by me Ross Douthat. As Ross points…
Tag: Republican Party
All that stands between the United States and moral disaster is a Republican Congress. That’s a comforting thought.
Well, the first shoe has dropped. Donald Trump’s vast capacity for unreason has moved from potential to kinesis, from words to deeds. The president who bellowed about American “carnage” in his inaugural address is now inflicting said carnage on our already sullied body politic, by firing our infamously bungling FBI director James Comey, who incidentally…
Why Donald Trump will be our very worst president, by a very wide margin
Donald Trump will be our very worst president, by a very wide margin, because Donald Trump is the apotheosis of the Tea Party, the culmination of Republican lawlessness—that is to say, an impatience and contempt for “rules” that eventually transforms itself into a delight in their violation—that has been growing stronger and stronger since the…
The Republican Party: Civil War or Hostile Takeover?
Over at New York Mag, Jonathan Chait has an unfortunately challenging and well-argued piece, strongly suggesting that my cozy analysis of a Republican Party sliding inexorably into ever-increasing disarray is not, you know, accurate.1 Chait sees Trump, or, rather, Trumpism, as similar to one of those Alien critters that first infects you and then sort…
Dying Elephant, Struggling Donkey: Politics for the 21st Century
As of this writing, the odds favoring Hillary Clinton’s election stand at 92%, almost enough to allow me to breathe easily. I wish it were higher, but just think how I’d feel if it were only, say, 75%! Yes, Donald Trump’s big mouth, and his tiny, groping hands, have made life much easier for Nervous…
Can’t stop the schadenfreude: Vivisecting the Republican Party
Well, if Trump wins you can laugh, but I won’t hear you because I’ll be sobbing too hard. Since I’m not too excited about a Hillary win—go here for a few dozen reasons why—it’s a lot more fun to speculate on what’s going to happen to the Republican Party post-November. For us Democrats, it’s going…
Ragin’ Republicans: Rich Lowry explains why it’s wrong to criticize Republicans for supporting a moral idiot
It’s all the Establishment’s fault, Rich explains: “Few politicians in memory have so powerfully tapped into and expressed the conservative id, which has long yearned for a Republican politician willing to heap the verbal abuse on the Clintons and, especially, on the media that they so manifestly deserve. “Except on cable and talk radio, the…
Marco Rubio, Super Loser
Let’s all have a chuckle at the expense of Republican Establishment fair-haired boy Marco Rubio, who can’t understand why the old lies ain’t workin’: “If you had told me a year ago that the front-runner at this stage in the Republican campaign would be a supporter of Planned Parenthood, who says he doesn’t stand with…
Chris Christie sez: “Yo, you think my belly is big? Check out my ego!”
Yes, if Chris Christie ever had a soul, he just sold it to Donald Trump. It’s a demonstration of just how rotten the Republican Party is when perhaps the most prestigious Republican governor in the country endorses a presidential candidate who has promised to torture innocent women and children. And for what? So he won’t…
Robert Kagan, struggling with the math
Bipartisan neocon Robert Kagan, who has served in the administrations of both Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama, has a prescient rap on the Donald Trump phenomenon up at the Washington Post, denying that Donald hijacked the GOP. Instead, says Bob, Donald is “the party’s creation, its Frankenstein monster, brought to life by the party, fed…