In a recent—well, “tirade” is probably too strong a word, but “riff” is a bit cute—in a recent post on “conscience Republican” Ross Douthat’s semi-snarky take on Republican with a different conscience Stuart Stevens’ mea culpa It Was All a Lie: How the Republican Party Became Donald Trump, I noted that Stu, unintentionally, I’m sure,…
Tag: Republican Party
Of course we’re in denial! We’re REPUBLICANS!
Over at the anti-Trumpy Dispatch, Christian Schneider explains why even anti-Trump conservatives like himself would be cawazzy to wish for Republicans to lose the Senate as well as the presidency in 2020: “Why Are Some Conservatives Rooting for the GOP to Lose the Senate? Yes, many Republican politicians have behaved badly. But a Biden presidency…
The Republicans: WTF Happened to this Party?
We’re in such a mess these days, one can either bemoan that mess, or wonder how we got here. I feel a little helpless to be just bemoaning, and, as the situation changes from day to day, one is compelled to constantly update one’s bemoans, which in retrospect can begin to sound both repetitive and…
Colin Powell can talk! I did not see this coming!
Yes, four-star general of the army Colin Powell can talk! I did not know this! And, as it turns out, he’s pretty good at it!, blasting Donald Trump for “drifting away from the Constitution,” “lying all the time”, demonizing immigrants, and grotesquely exploiting the death of George Floyd in a typically Trumpian orgy of self-congratulation….
Jonah Goldberg, still not getting it
Over at the National Review, the sometimes sensible Jonah Goldberg (but only sometimes) has a cri de cœur so poignant that I feel I have to give poor Jonah a helping hand. In a bitterly worded piece, Jonah explains the suffering he endures watching President Trump’s daily briefings on the coronavirus: “I hate them with…
Yo, “Conservatives”! You had a 30-year preview of Donald Trump! It was called “The Rush Limbaugh Show”!
I have been following, with a curious compulsion, the comings and goings of anti-Trump conservatives, who frequently hold forth at newly formed sites like The Bulwark and The Dispatch. The recent announcement of Rush Limbaugh that he was suffering from lung cancer brought forth an affectionate reminiscence from James Swift, one of the leaders of…
Thank you, Mitt Romney!
I am hereby “grudgingly impressed”—a lot!—by Senator Mitt’s suddenly bold stand to vote for President Trump’s removal from office. I wrote the “grudgingly impressed” line a couple of days ago when I didn’t really think that Mitt or pseudo-skeptic Susan Collins really had the nerve to pull the trigger on the big guy, but I…
Republican senators explain: “You thought we were the party of the CONSTITUTION? No, we’re the party of PROSTITUTION! There’s a BIG difference!”
Damn straight there is. If either Mitt Romney or Susan Collins votes “here” when the final vote arrives, I’ll be grudgingly impressed. If either votes to convict, I’ll be stunned. Otherwise, I’m not paying much attention. To my mind, anyone who claimed to be “weighing the evidence” was simply pretending to be stupid. Trump’s grossness,…
Don’t “feel sorry” for Republicans. You shouldn’t feel sorry for cowards.
There’s a small but persistent meme floating around that most Republican senators “tolerate” Donald Trump but find him personally, well, “tacky”, one might say. They wish someone more refined were president, but, well, there it is. They’d turn on him in a trice if only the right trice would come along, but so far it…
Republicans: Even when they come clean, they still aren’t clean.
I don’t know a hell of a lot about Robert Tracinski. According to the to all accounts pretty gosh darn Trumpy Federalist, to which Bob used to contribute, “Robert studied philosophy at the University of Chicago and for more than 20 years has written about politics, markets, and foreign policy. He has been published in…