Okay, I don’t want to go out on a limb here, but I do detect a few signs of intelligence on the “right”, largely prompted by disgust over Trump’s hysterical reaction to his defeat and, even more, his clear willingness to overturn the results of the election by having state legislatures appoint their own electors…
Tag: National Review
Yo, Donald Trump! The Editors of the National Review are getting really, really tired of you waving your penis in their faces! Really!
Well, they are. In their latest anti-presidential penile tirade, titled “Trump’s Outrageous Pressure Campaign against Bill Barr”, the overwrought eyeshade folk at NR were driven to the last refuge of “conservatives”, to wit, “the truth”, when Trump tweeted that Hillary Clinton’s criticism of him during the 2016 campaign amounted to a “treasonous plot”. Well, the…
Donald Trump’s unmentionables
Oh, that Donald Trump! Sometimes he says such awful things! Just awful! So awful, in fact, that poor Charles W. Cooke, online editor for the National Review, can’t bring himself to say what the awful Mr. Trump actually said. In a post titled “Trump v. Trump” (rather than, perhaps, “Donald Trump is an utterly disgusting…
What is Kevin D. Williamson smoking? Find out and send a bale to everyone else at the National Review
Hell yes I’m behind the curve. That’s my wheelhouse!1 Anyway, Kevie D., whom I’ve often trashed, has to be on something to write shtick like “The Passive-Aggressive Superpower”, averring that “Unilateralist tough-guy talk will get us nowhere against China,” and overtly snickering at the puffed-chest prose of two of his fellow NR authors, Rich Lowry…
Donald Trump is destroying the U.S. military. Republicans don’t care.
Former Navy Secretary Richard Spencer wrote in his resignation letter to President Trump the following: The rule of law is what sets us apart from our adversaries. Good order and discipline is what has enabled our victory against foreign tyranny time and again, from Captain Lawrence’s famous order ‘Don’t Give up the Ship,’ to the…
Mona Charon, speaking truth to Republicans
Kudos to the National Review, which I generally do not like, for publishing Mona Charon’s column, “Shades of Presidential Scandals Past”, which tosses more than a few solid punches at the “Move along, folks, move along, nothing to see here, move along” approach being fostered and foisted by most of her compadres at NR regarding…
It doesn’t matter that William Barr is lying, because we know he’s lying, David French explains
David French has the unenviable job of being the voice of reason over at the National Review, which means that he has to find a “middle ground” between the True Trumpers of the pack and, well, the truth, which frequently means explaining that grunting like a hog and wallowing in one’s own filth isn’t as…
Rod Rosenstein, exiting ignominiously. And the National Review didn’t even notice!
Nothing, it may be said, became Rod Rosenstein’s career at the Department of Justice so little as his manner of leaving it—that is to say, in his resignation letter, Rosenstein abandoned the last shred of the professional decency and honor that he had fitfully displayed during his two years as deputy attorney general under Donald…
Mona Charon, speaking truth to Republicans
Kudos to the National Review, which I generally do not like, for publishing Mona Charon’s column, “Shades of Presidential Scandals Past”, which tosses more than a few solid punches at the “Move along, folks, move along, nothing to see here, move along” approach being fostered and foisted by most of her compadres at NR regarding…
Shorter National Review: OUR CIVILIZATION IS GOING TO HELL!!!! (Also, that Trump guy should probably take it down a notch)
Yes, our favorite band of anti-anti-Trumpers, proud if unknowing heirs of the anti-anti-communists1—are at it again, with a brand-new message, to wit: Yeah, sure, Trump isn’t the greatest, just like your favorite pal Bill Clintion!—but the big picture is, WE’RE ALL GOING TO HELL! The December 11 online issue of NR took the occasion to…