The truth can be ugly, can’t it? Here are, courtesy of frequent good guy yet employed by the American Enterprise Institute James Pethokoukis, a number of cogent (I think) charts to illustrate a recent cogent (I think) talk by Larry at the Peterson Institute for International Economics titled “What Should the 2023 Washington Consensus Be?”,…
Tag: Larry Summers
Larry Summers is a big, fat liar
Maybe I should just change the name of this blog to “Harvard Sucks”. After spending 9,000+ words last week whaling away, largely on Harvard Law Professor David Kennedy but also on Harvard Law Professor Samuel Moyn, I’m back on the attack, this time beating up on former Harvard President Larry Summers, now “only” Charles W….
Sarah Palin and David Ricardo, peas in a pod!
Some time ago, in one of my many railings against our president-elect, I noted that, once upon a time, even echt-dirty fingernail Republican Sarah Palin was a die-hard free-trader. Well, it looks like Sarah’s fingernails are still dirty, and her heart, and her free-trade principles, still true, for she’s risen up in rightuous wrath against…
Larry Summers so very smart and Larry Summers not so very smart
Larry Summers, star-crossed former president of Harvard and, more recently, head of President Obama’s National Economic Council, has written an excellent review of Thomas Piketty’s endlessly reviewed (even by me) best seller, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, praising Piketty for both his timing (publishing a massively researched book on inequality when the topic is all…
Larry Summers: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Well, Larry is out, and I won’t miss him. Larry was, hopefully, the last of the shameless Wall Street Democrats—at least, the last of the shameless Wall Street Democrats to be considered for a top position in the Obama Administration this year. To a great extent, Larry was pilloried for, in effect, being too much…