If you read an article in Slate Magazine, which I often do, you’ll see a column next to it labeled “Recommended for You.” I’m hoping, a lot, that Slate just lists whatever articles some dude is willing to pay them to list there—that is, that this isn’t one of those hip net things where Slate has installed some sort of cookie in my brain that lets them know what I wish I were reading. Because if I do have a Slate cookie in my brain, this is what I wish I were reading:
“Michelle Obama Killed It at White House Correspondent’s”
“15 Signs You May Have Adult ADHD”
“Kate Middleton Is As Lovely And As Low Maintenance As She Looks”*
“How does Kim Kardashian trim her waist but not her best asset?”
“’You’re gonna need a bigger boat’—why is this such a great movie line?”
Further research—clicking on a “what’s this” button—leads to the following notice: “An Outbrain customer paid to distribute this content. We do our best to ensure that all of the links recommended to you lead to interesting content.” Who’s talking here, Slate or “Outbrain”? I’m guessing “Outbrain,” and I’m also guessing that their “best” isn’t very good.
*Talk about suck-up! But, excuse me, does Kate really look “low maintenance”?