Yeah, philosophical gent that he is, ole Yuval likes to take the long perspective on things, and after some hemming and hawing about what’s been going on in the House of Representatives, comes up with this conclusion:
Even if the spoils of the speaker fight [i.e., the “reforms’ demanded by the far right] aren’t transformative, though, and even while its conclusion remains uncertain, its contours already offer an important lesson. If the members opposing McCarthy end up with seats on the Rules Committee, they will have shown that applying pressure in vulnerable moments can create opportunities for structural change in the House. They don’t seem to agree on a broad vision of what such change should look like. But a faction of members who did share such a vision could really advance some significant and much-needed reforms — of the budget process, the committee system, the role of the leadership, and more.
In other words, if these guys actually had some constructive ideas, well, that would be a good thing. But the thing is, Yuval, these guys don’t have any constructive ideas. In fact, they’re a pack of drooling idiots. And don’t you feel a little bit sorry pretending that you don’t know that? Because you sure as Hell look sorry, you pathetic little wimp.
There are no “significant and much-needed reforms” that Congress needs to make in order to pass the legislation the “Freedom Caucus” says it wants. If Congress wanted to enact far-reaching reforms, it would do so. It doesn’t. Congress is afraid of making tough decisions and wants either the president or the Supreme Court to make them instead. The FC boys n’ gals are a little different in that they want to force Congress to make the tough decisions, so they don’t have to. But it’s really the same cowardice, just repackaged as righteous indignation.