In the clip posted above, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) elegantly rips Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) a new one—which he clearly needs, for the dude is seriously full of it—for his flatulent non-apology apology, after accosting her on the Capitol steps for having dared to say something he didn’t like, calling her “disgusting” and accusing her of being “out of her freaking mind,” topping this off by bravely calling her a “fucking bitch” once she was out of earshot, later “explaining” that “I cannot apologize for my passion or for loving my God, my family and my country,” which I guess is why he called her a “fucking bitch”. Spoken like a true Republican indeed!
In his ludicrous “apology” Representative Dirtbag said that “The offensive name-calling words attributed to me by the press were never spoken to my colleague,1 and if they were construed that way I apologize for their misunderstanding.” In other words, when I called her a fucking bitch I didn’t want her to hear me, because I was afraid she would beat me up.
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez occasioned Yoho’s hysterical outburst by attributing recent increases in crime in New York to increases in poverty, an argument that leaves me more than skeptical. But the idea that a U.S. representative should go around harassing and yelling at people when they say something he disagrees with is insane. For a representative to do that to a colleague, elected like himself by the American people under the U.S. Constitution is beyond both belief and contempt. The only good news is that Yoho, who is a total jerk even when he isn’t harassing women,2 is apparently not running for re-election.
Jennifer Rubin has a nice take on Ocasio-Cortez’s takedown of Yoho, dwelling in particular on her criticism of Yoho’s “I have a wife and daughters, so I would never do anything disrespectful of women” rap/crap, a point reiterated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and several other Democrats.
1. Notice that Yoho doesn’t deny calling Ocasio-Cortez a “fucking bitch”, only claiming that he didn’t say the words in her hearing.
2. During the Obama years, Yoho was one of those Republicans who sought to destroy the president by destroying the U.S. economy, seeking to force the U.S. to default on the national debt.