It’s true! The U.S. Supreme Court is definitely not Donald Trump’s personal gumball machine! In a small but genuine triumph for judicial modesty and common sense, only four of the six Republican justices on the Supreme Court rolled over for His Donaldness, while the other, well, stood firm with the four Democrats on the Court, giving a bipartisan “Not this time, Hot Shot” to El Trumpo, forcing him to endure sentencing to, well, nothing despite his conviction on 34 felony counts back in May 2024.
The “real damage” had been avoided, of course, thanks to, yes, the worst decision in Supreme Court history, as I have SO LOUDLY STATED in the past, a decision titled, fittingly enough, Trump v. United States, which allowed Trump to delay sentencing from July 2024 to the present. Naturally, both Big John and Amy voted for this one (in fact, Big John wrote the majority opinion), so that one can argue that, by voting to embarrass Trump on this minor matter, Johnnie and Amy did nothing more than help the Court to maintain at least a veneer of respectability—albeit an entirely fraudulent one—in order to facilitate future atrocious decisions in Trump’s defense, decisions that are almost certain to emerge once Trump starts seriously feeling his oats.
So who’s worse, shameless whores like Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh, who are eager to rubberstamp anything Trump puts in front of them, or calculating whores like John and Amy, who know how to mix shamelessness with hypocrisy? Tough call! Very tough!