Thank God for Rick Santorum! Just when the punditocracy was reduced to writing articles about pundits writing articles about pundits so desperate for something to write about that they will pretend that someone other than Borin’ George Romney* could win the Republican nomination, the two-term, lost by 18 points the second time around former Senator from Pennsylvania whips halpless George three times in one night!
Forget about the fact that Rick won zero delegates last night. Forget about the fact that Romney has roughly ten times as much money, and ten times as much manpower, as Rick. Forget about the fact that Newt “Hey! Pay attention to me, goddamnit!” Gingrich is still in the race. Forget about the fact that Rick wants to invade Venezuela and Iran at the same time. We’ve got a horse race that will get us through February! Rock and Roll!
*Even for a Mormon he’s borin’! That’s what they say about George!