Hysterical Muslim protests of a stupid video threaten to girdle the globe, while the Obama Administration repeats how much it hates, hates, hates people who say mean things about Mohammed, while never mentioning that 1) it is not illegal, or even necessarily wrong, or even inaccurate, to say things about Mohammed that some people might find objectionable, or that 2) it certainly is illegal and wrong to murder people, under the pretence that you are so gosh-darn angry about what someone supposedly said about Mohammed (or, indeed, under any other pretence at all), or that 3) other things the Obama Administration and previous U.S. administrations have done, like murdering innocent people via the President’s beloved killer drones, or supporting Israel’s murderous harassment of Iran under the specious grounds that Iran’s vague, “let’s piss off Uncle Sam and Israel” pursuit of a nuclear weapons capability constitutes an existential threat to Israel, or invading Iraq, or overthrowing Iran’s democratically elected government, might have at least laid the the groundwork for the current “days of rage.” Wouldn’t it be nice to have something utterly different to think about?
Well, thanks to some near-hysterical Republicans, I can! Politico mega-gossips Mike Allen and Jim Vandehei feed my appetite for calorie-free raw meat/inside baseball with this mega-take on compulsive intramural bladder failure among the folks at Team Romney. No, it doesn’t mean shit, but it’s entertaining, and it makes you wonder why these guys think, with less than two months on the clock, it’s time to start fighting with each other.
Mitt’s “47% of Americans are self-pitying losers who wouldn’t vote for me in a million years” video is icing on an old man’s cake. This is particularly interesting coming from a man whose proudest boast used to be that he had guaranteed health care for every Massachusettsian. The best indication that all this is starting to sting is that the National Review is pretending that it isn’t happening. (They have posted Mitt’s response, in which he defends himself by saying his remarks lacked elegance.)