Legal humor here
“I was wrong, Sylvia. You do have a death wish.”
“I was just telling Harry we needed a window. Thanks to you the job’s half done!”
“Sylvia, am I to consider this an expression of dissatisfaction with your ranking on this week’s tennis ladder or simply a boiling over of general ill will?”
“Tell Mr. Trump that Helen Murchaison does not scare easily!”
“Hello, Ace Wrecking Ball? It’s finders keepers losers weepers with these things, isn’t it?”
“Even for you, Sylvia, this is bourgeois.”
“Eminent domain, my ass! Scalia’s gonna ream you a new one when this hits the Court!”
“Harry, you’ve lost your father, you’re losing me, and even John-Boy is starting to have his doubts.”
“It’s the one with the big wrecking crane in the front yard, that’s which one it is. What do we pay you people for?”
“In a more perfect world, Sylvia, we would all live in rent-controlled apartments. But this is not a step to that more perfect world.”