Legal humor here
“Sorry, dad, but you’ll never land me with that line! Ha, ha, just kidding. Who do I have to fuck around here for a rimshot?”
“Don’t cast at the target, cast through the target.”
“So when do you turn into a handsome prince” Because if you don’t, I am so out of here.”
“I don’t think I’m scaring the fish. I think I’m scaring you.”
It goes ‘I am a wall, and my breasts like towers: then was I in his eyes as one that found favour.’ It’s pretty famous.”
“What do I think? I think that maybe God doesn’t want me telling men that I’ll make their deepest fantasies come true.”
“I’m sorry if I sound like a downer, honey, but I’d prefer a premature ejaculation to this.”
“Trust me, babe, when the Viagra kicks in, I’ll be a fucking wild man. I just need to pace myself, that’s all.”
“I’m sorry, but the stuff about me tying my own flies was just a line.”
“When I said I wanted to be marooned on a tropical island with you, well, I thought we’d be fucking, not fishing.”