Legal humor here
“Damn it, Smithers! This ‘Sword of Justice’ business is wearing mighty thin!”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everything is ‘urgent’ with you!”
“I don’t care if Harrison gave you frontsies! Wait in line!”
“All right, girlfriend! You just brought a knife to a gunfight! And this little missy shoots to kill!”
“Well, shiver me timbers! A haunted desk! I’m so afraid!”
“Helen! That better not be you!”
“I said if we needed a swordsman I’d call you! I didn’t call you! Ergo, we don’t need a swordsman!”
“I know you’re the goddamn Ghost of Christmas Past! And this Ebenezer Scrooge makes that Ebenezer Scrooge look like a faggot!”
“Sorry, Jimbo! Your ‘Knight in Shining Armor’ pitch is out, out, out!”
“Well, yo, yo, yo! Attila the Hun never made it on Wall Street, and neither will you!”