“Wow. This one takes me back. ‘New boy in town,’ that pretty much says it. Lots of hair, not many inhibitions.”
“Okay, this is from my first race for citywide comptroller. Obviously, I had found my voice. I never looked back, and neither have the voters.”
“New York, 1998, Givenchy. This first ran in the September Vanity Fair, which I understand is still a bit of a collectors’ item.”
“Now, in this one, my body is facing to my right, but I’m facing to my left, so there’s a sort of primal ambiguity, which I frankly feel is a necessary component of all transcendental art.”
“Ted Beame, okay? Not Abe. Ted. A new beginning, for all of New York.”
“Now, I want every man here to look at this image. Don’t be afraid of it. You can look like this. You can. This is not about media-manufactured club boys. This is about you.”
“For this one, my model didn’t show. Necessity may be the first mother of invention, but desperation runs a pretty close second.”
“Is it art? I frankly don’t know, but it sold a lot of stockings.”
“Looking at this one, I sometimes wonder if we all aren’t just loose change in the Zeitgeist’s purse.”
“I didn’t mean to get all Botticelli on your ass with this one, but, well, I guess I did.”