Solo clarinet by Ben. Posted by BAGProductionRecords
Max Boot explains it all for you
Unintentionally (I guess) funny piece by Max Boot, published by those cut-ups at the Weekly Standard. Max explains, and I would say that there’s at least a 57% chance that he’s right, that our “alliance” with Pakistan isn’t worth the pain: it would be better to have them outside the tent pissing in than inside…
How gay was Tom Wolfe? Well, pretty goddamn gay
Looking at the many pictures that have been published of Tom Wolfe in his white suit glory years, one has the strong sense of seeing something rare: a male anorexic. In what was surely his best book, The Right Stuff, Wolfe paid homage to “real men”, men who didn’t go the opera and couldn’t order…
Dragon Lady 2
Politico has another one of those delicious “Congressmen (and their wives) caught in the act of being themselves” stories, this one involving Virginia Republican Tom Garrett and wife Flanna, who had staff scraping dog shit off congressional carpets, deposited there by “Sophie”, the Garretts’ Jack Russell-Pomeranian mix, among other things. Not too surprisingly, staff seemed…
Kurt Rosenwinkel, Mike Boone & Anwar M. Marshall—“Ask me now” Guitar, bass, and drums, respectively. Posted by Steve B. Need more Monk? Yes, you do. Go to Mostly Monk and continue your education.
Et tu, Ross? Aka “Catty Monday”
Just two weeks ago, NYT papist in chief Ross Douthat had a column, “Make Catholicism Weird Again”, urging a return to the good old days, saying that the Church should reclaim its rightful role “as a full alternative culture in its own right — one that reclaims the inheritance on display at the Met,1 glories…
From banal to horrible: My Feed is now pushing the false notion that child abductions are “common”
I just complained about My Feed feeding me pictures of busty teen-agers. Now it’s not so funny: My Feed is now pushing the frightening but false notion that child abductions are “common”, or at least that there are lots of “common tricks” that abductors “commonly” use. As Reason’s Elizabeth Nolan Brown explains, abductions aren’t common….
Yo, Bill Gates! Stop COMPLETELY insulting my intelligence!
At least a week ago a teenager was told, basically, that the tee-shirt she was wearing to school was too tight and she needed to change it. Yes, she was busty, and, yes, the article by “Insider” informing us of this outrage has a picture of her in her tee-shirt. Well, if you are a…
“Thoughtful” conservatives getting awfully tired of thinking. But not all of them.
I remember reading as a boy that one can think for three days on the energy contained in a peanut. On the right, it seems, peanuts are getting scarce. Over at the New York Times, David Brooks is finding solace in Donald Trump’s lizard brain, which, it appears, is kicking ass all over the world:…
Roy Hargrove—“Ask Me Now” Roy in Vienna, it appears, but appearing via French TV. No more information available, unfortunately. Posted by Jazz and More