The 73rd anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima has come and gone, prompting Stevens Institute of Technology professor Alex Wellerstein, self-proclaimed “historian of science, secrecy, and nuclear weapons,” to unleash a “debunking the myths” twitterstorm on the subject, prompting me to respond in near-knee-jerk reaction, since I’ve already debunked the debunkers before—mostly here, but also…
Brett Kavanaugh, sounding a lot less innocent
I recently proclaimed myself less than charmed by “liberal feminist” Lisa Blatt’s all too charming endorsement of federal appellate court judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court, calling it—a bit crudely, I admit—“high-end legal ass-kissing”. Well, if you’d like some legal substance to supplement my street invective, check out this article in Slate by…
Lenka Molčányiová & Mikuláš Pokorný—“In Walked Bud” Reduta Jazz Club in Prague 7 June 2018. Monk would be proud, as would Irving Berlin, whose “Blue Skies” provided the original chord structure. Posted by molcanyi
Alan Vanneman’s Mythbusters! Why the “myth” of upward mobility does and does not matter
Robert Samuelson, who is, frankly, rarely my favorite economics pundit, writes a not entirely terrible column, “Upward mobility is a myth”, largely pivoting off a recent study, “The Fading American Dream: Trends In Absolute Income Mobility Since 1940”, issued by the National Bureau Of Economic Research, put together back in March 2017 by a bunch…
Brett Kavanaugh, not so innocent. And likewise Lisa Blatt?
I don’t know Appeals Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh from Adam. Self-proclaimed “liberal feminist” Lisa Blatt calls him a superstar, and says his nomination to the Supreme Court by President Trump deserves speedy bipartisan approval in the Senate. “I have argued 35 cases before the Supreme Court, more than any other woman,” says Blatt. “I worked…
You learn these things
Many, many years ago, I was struggling to earn a little extra cash as a free-lance writer while also struggling to find a full-time job, and not doing very well at either. I belonged to a now defunct organization called Washington Independent Writers, through which I got several miserably paying free-lance jobs. I saw an…
The Koch Bros, not without virtue, and, yeah, not without sin
The Koch Bros, the Dave and Charlie Show, are definitely in the news these days, pissing on and pissing off Cap’n Two Scoops by hitting him hard on two of his very worst “raise the drawbridge” policies—protectionism and hostility to immigration. Koch, Inc, the menagerie of political funding and pressure groups the brothers have concocted…
Magnetic-orchestra et Anne Sila—“In Walked Bud” Benoit Thévenot, piano; Nicolas Serret, batterie, François-Régis Gallix, contrebasse; Anne Sila. Chant. November 2013, “Les Symphonies d’Automne” à Mâcon. Posted by magneticorchestra
Anne Applebaum exposed!
Okay, dude, if you came here to Literature R Us, aka “Clickbait Central,” expecting nudie pics, well, take off, hoser, for you’ve been hosed. There are no pics of esteemed scholar Anne Applebaum here, clothed or unclothed. Better you should just quit this site now, google “Celebrity nipslips,” and be done with it. If, on…
Helen Sung & Ron Carter—“In Walked Bud” Helen ♥ Thelonious, it would seem. Posted by Helen Sung Need more Monk? Yes, you do. Go to Mostly Monk and continue your education.