Nothing, it may be said, became Rod Rosenstein’s career at the Department of Justice so little as his manner of leaving it—that is to say, in his resignation letter, Rosenstein abandoned the last shred of the professional decency and honor that he had fitfully displayed during his two years as deputy attorney general under Donald…
Search Results for: Jonathan Chait
The Grandfather of all Tick-Tocks
“Il Tick-Tock di Tutti Tick-Tocks”? “Tick-Tock Mania”? “Tick-Tocks R Us”? “Tick-Tock Around the Clock”? Anyway, over at the New York Times, Matt Bai has yet another Tick-Tock on that mother of all non-events, the Obama-Boehner non-budget deal, that died aborning back in July. This lemon has already been squeezed pretty dry, but Bai still gets…
You call that hicky? Get a mirror, girlfriend. A big one.
The much-reviled Mike Allen at Politico explains how Jamestown Associates, a Republican consulting firm, achieved that elusive “West Virginia” look for a GOP ad. Among other things, plaid is the new black. via John Chait at the New Republic.