Hankering for some good, old-fashioned baroque comédie-ballet circa 1670? Well, of course you are, and, fortunately for you, France Telecom has released on DVD an authentic recreation of the ninth and last collaboration between Molière and Jean-Baptiste, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, aka The Bourgeois Gentleman, or The Would-Be Gentleman, first performed back in the day for…
I should grow the hell up, Daniel Drezner? I think maybe YOU should grow the hell up!
Yeah, I got Daniel Drezner—“Obfuscatin’ Dan”, I like to call him—on my mind, on my mind. I got Daniel Drezner on my mind. Again! I just got finished praising ole Obfuscatin’ Dan to the skies in a recent post for his recent post at Reason, “There Is No China Crisis”, calling it “absolute gold”. As…
Girl Talk—“Let’s Cool One”
Bodil Niska, sax, Tine Asmundsen, bass, and Elizabeth Walker, piano. From their 1992 album, Talkin’ Jazz. Posted by kdtchon, who gave zero information about the gals, so I had to sleuth it all down myself, irritating because there is a (fairly) well known dj named “Girl Talk”, an album by Prince, a tune by Neal…
Shorter Bill Barr: “Let it be said of me that in Donald Trump’s first administration I released the guilty. And let it be said of me that in Donald Trump’s second administration I jailed the innocent.”
Over at Lawfare, Robert S. Litt, former associate attorney general (under Clinton) and former general counsel for the Director of National Intelligence (under Obama), makes short work of Attorney General William Barr’s thimble and pea sleight of hand that converted Michael Flynn’s arrant lies into airy nothingness on the grounds that they could not be…
T. S. Eliot, frequently irritating, yet not always wrong
If you read my recent ear-boxing of literary super star T. S. Eliot, “T. S. Eliot a Prissy Sh*t, studies show”, you know I’m not a big fan of the pride of St. Louis, making rather raucous fun of his abysmal mistreatment of his long-time (until he got tired of her) soulmate, Emily Hale, and…
“Think of One”, live at Smalls
Ingrid Jensen – trumpet, Dayna Stephens – saxophones, Adam Birnbaum – piano, Yasushi Nakamura – bass, Billy Drummond – drums. Live at Smalls July 30th, 2015. Posted by Adam Birnbaum
Yo Max Boot! Congratulations on exposing Phyllis Schlafly! Now try exposing yourself! (Well, you know what I mean!)
What is the deal with Max Boot and why do I keep making fun of him? Well, for one thing, his name is really short and fits easily in a headline. Another is that, well, he has a habit of falling short of the truth—the whole truth, that is. El Maxo is a very solid…
What would Ronald Reagan do?
Daniel Drezner, who seems to be my favorite straw man/straight man, and maybe even tin man, has a long post up at Reason, “There Is No China Crisis”, which is absolutely gold. As Dan points out, in a thoroughly researched and most convincing manner, the very many sins and crimes of the Chinese government doesn’t…
T. S. Eliot a Prissy Sh*t, studies show
OK, I can’t believe this! I have never, in the history of this blog, made fun of one of le plus noir of my many bêtes noirs, T. S. Eliot. Well, no time like the present to remedy this most grievous fault, because Princeton University has recently “made available” (though not to you)1 over a…
What is Kevin D. Williamson smoking? Find out and send a bale to everyone else at the National Review
Hell yes I’m behind the curve. That’s my wheelhouse!1 Anyway, Kevie D., whom I’ve often trashed, has to be on something to write shtick like “The Passive-Aggressive Superpower”, averring that “Unilateralist tough-guy talk will get us nowhere against China,” and overtly snickering at the puffed-chest prose of two of his fellow NR authors, Rich Lowry…