Donna Khalife, Marita Sbeih, Tagreed Darghouth, Raghda Allouche, Roya Semaan, Naima Yazbek, Lama Kabbanji, Nisrine Yassine, and Lama Abou Ali, with Donna also supplying the piano. Frankly, their take on “Strollin’” strikes me as a little flat-footed, but their “Blue Monk” is quite sprightly. Anyone doing bop vocals in Lebanon in 2017 is an inspiration…
Good news! (Sort of) Other countries have been even more f*cked up than we are!
Big consolation, n’est-ce pas? Well, at this time of the “Big Wait”, when I am pathetically hoping for a Biden blow-out and even more pathetically trying not to think, really, not to think about anything at all, it is “nice” to think that other nations have, at other times in their history, endured internal distress,…
Has Boss Schumer’s Hour Come Round At Last?
“I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.” Thus Charles Schumer, senior senator from New York and possible new majority leader of the Senate, to be…
Saints preserve us! And, while you’re at it, preserve us from the saints!
Sick of the woke folk? Well, I sure am, but I’m sick of the unwoke too. This is a bit of an unbalanced rant, going off in several different directions at once, occasioned by three pieces by three ill-assorted unconventional (I guess) conservatives, Ross Douthat’s Where Liberal Power Lies, Rod Dreher’s commentary on Ross’s piece,…
Rupert Gillett—“Blue Monk”
Donald Trump must really be in trouble, because Ben Sasse is kicking him
You know a pimp is hurtin’ when his whores start to turn. Anyone who reads this blog—all three of you—know that I’m, well, basically terrified of thinking that Uncle Joe Biden has it in the bag, despite what the polls say. But here’s a real sign that Donnie’s ship is sinking: Nebraska Sen. Ben “Sassy…
Back to “Normal” in 21? We should be so lucky.
There’s been a meme floating around for the past several years, pushed perhaps most assiduously by the New York Times’s Ross Douthat, and given another shove in his recent column “There Will Be No Trump Coup”, picturing that man in the White House as a “noisy weakling, not a budding autocrat”, an embarrassment rather than…
Freedom OF Speech or Freedom FROM Speech? Emily Bazelon is confused
And confusing. Over at the New York Times, Emily Bazelon has a humongous take on freedom of speech in the era of “Big Tech”, though working my way through umpteen thousand words of vaguely authoritarian liberal hand-wringing over what we should do about people who say things Ms. Bazelon doesn’t want to hear (and doesn’t…
Yo, Donald Trump! The Editors of the National Review are getting really, really tired of you waving your penis in their faces! Really!
Well, they are. In their latest anti-presidential penile tirade, titled “Trump’s Outrageous Pressure Campaign against Bill Barr”, the overwrought eyeshade folk at NR were driven to the last refuge of “conservatives”, to wit, “the truth”, when Trump tweeted that Hillary Clinton’s criticism of him during the 2016 campaign amounted to a “treasonous plot”. Well, the…
Re the election: Wake me when it’s over. But only if Biden wins.
Yes, that’s exactly what I want for the next few weeks: Sleep, blessed sleep. Back in 2016, my worst fears came true,1 and as a result I now try not to think. Not that I’m superstitious or anything—it’s just safer that way! Or at least you sleep better. Sufficient unto the day is the evil…