That’s why, apparently, the White House Correspondents Dinner will feature Jay Leno, giving the nation’s standups yet another opportunity to unload on the (sort of) hapless Jay. I was going to let this whole late night imbroglio pass me by, but this latest Leno pile-on has been too much for me to bear. Other comics…
The Sorrows, and Sins, of Obama
Oy, Obama, n’est-ce pas? Yeah, I voted for him, I even gave him money, and I thank God every day that Georgie Boy, and Dickie Boy, are out of the White House, but overall I’m hard pressed to give my man more than a B-. Of course, my low grade is the least of Barack’s…
FLY—Mark Turner, Jeff Ballard, & Larry Grenadier
“FLY,” heard here playing “State of the Union” in Paris in 2006, doesn’t make many albums, and they’re hard to find on the Internet, because there are so many albums with “Fly” in the title. Look for Turner on sax, Ballard on drums, and Larry on bass.
Apple iPhone—now 90% more anal-retentive!
Ever wonder why you never see iPhone users laughing? It’s because Steve Jobs won’t let them. Check out this list of non-apps from Silicon Valley Insider. Hat tip to my good buddy, Mickey Kaus. This is not funny. Steve Jobs is protecting you.
The Washington Post, too tacky to live for very long
What is that annoying sound? Well, it’s the death rattle of the Washington Post. Again. And again. And again. And again. The latest, and perhaps most pathetic gurgle is entitled Support grows for tackling nation’s debt, written by Elaine S. Povich and Eric Pianin, who work, not for the Post but rather the “Fiscal Times,”…
James Weidman—“Three Worlds”
Jim’s at the piano, with Brad Jones, bass; Francisco Mela, drums/percussion; and Jay Hoggard, vibes, Nov. 19, 2009.
The Washington Post, dialing back the froth
Okay, I was too hasty in my intemperate berating of the Washington Post here. Although they totally deserved it, because they were too hasty first! I’m referring, of course, to the uproar over Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s bomb in his underwear attempt to blow up Flight 253 from Amsterdam. In its initial coverage, the Post made…
Terrorist threat approaches zero
Well, that’s one conclusion that could be drawn from the recent events involving Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. After all, the number of would-be terrorists who have been apprehended attempting to smuggle explosives on a plane approaches zero; the number of would-be terrorists who have succeeded in smuggling explosives on a plane also approaches zero; and the…
Eric Meridiano—”Trinkle Tinkle”
In his YouTube post Eric says he prepared this version of Monk’s tune for his 2007 album. Well, the album is available here, but “Trinkle Tinkle” isn’t on it. But you can listen to it here instead.
Well, if Hillary Clinton jumped off a cliff, would you do that? And the same for the Roman Stoic Musonius Rufus
The New York Times has a long, all too-informative article on leading Catholic windbag and Princeton University professor Robert P. George who explains that he can’t be blamed for supporting the invasion of Iraq because Hillary voted for it. He goes on to say that he doesn’t like to talk about sex because the Roman…