I have, somewhere or other on the web, remarked that Steve Martin often is not funny these days. He takes himself too seriously, and resents having to appease the many-headed with, you know, humor. But Steve still can be funny, with David Letterman, for example. Hanging with Dave, who is, of course, as self-pitying and…
Motor Trend goes wild!
Over at Motor Trend, apparently a haven for latte-sippin’ tree huggers these days, a dude named Tom Lassa delivers a stunningly well-informed and downright high-larious beat-down to Rush “Fat Ass” Limbaugh and provides a few well-directed bitch-slaps to George “Prissy Bitch” Will along the way, all on the unlikely subject of that modern marvel, the…
Jason Moran plays “Thelonious,” 2009
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation: Kicking Ass, And You Don’t Even Know They Exist!
Admit it, you don’t, but, according to Jeff Stein’s “Spy Talk” in the Wash Post “Federal, state and local officials carrying out a counter-terrorism drill in Northern California Wednesday played out a scenario in which local marijuana growers set off bombs and took over the Shasta Dam, the nation’s second largest, to free an imprisoned…
Matt Yglesias is a girl
Yeah, I didn’t know either, but he totally is. He wants us to have a king so we can have royal weddings and look at pictures of chicks in big hats and guys in gray vests. Hey, Matilda! Move to Monaco! Now!
New at Bright Lights: Monsieur Verdoux
My take on Charlie Chaplin’s “controversial” and not very good film about a foppish wife murderer is up at the 70th issue of the Bright Lights Film Journal here. The full issue, NSFW as always, is here.
“Fly”—Mark Turner, Larry Grenadier, & Jeff Ballard
Sax, bass, and drums, respectively. Posted by “hibla.com,” who I guess is a cat named Joseph O’Kelly, currently a resident of London UK.
Megan McArdle can’t read. And she’s stupid.
A dude named Eric McGhee who runs a blog called “The Monkey Cage” is running a piece called “Did Controversial Roll Call Votes Doom the Democrats?” McGhee analyses the impact of votes on four “controversial” bills—health care reform, the economic stimulus, cap and trade, and TARP*—on the fortunes of congressional Democrats in the recent election….
The Errors of Obama: One long and two shorts
When I survey the past two years, when I think of the ridiculous “we’ll get it right once we’ve killed enough people” war in Afghanistan, when I think of the long-distance murders via “killer drones,” of the continuing practice of denying the most basic human rights to our political prisoners lest they do anything that…