The New York Times, giving fervent release to what appears to be a long-pent desire, seizes the moment to tell us a whole lot about Pringles potato “crisps.”
Randy Weston & Max Roach—“Well, You Needn’t”
“It is well that war is so horrible. Otherwise we would grow fond of it.”
Well, I guess Barack Obama has made a liar out of Robert E. Lee. We’re very fond of war in this country now. Presidents love it, because it lets them do whatever they damn please and let posterity pay the bills. The press loves it, because it’s exciting. It’s fun watching shit get blown up,…
Monk on Monk—“Rhythm-A-Ning”
Thoughts on Liz
Black jacket-wearin’, Obama-hatin’ Reason honcho Nick Gillespie sends me an email “Me on Liz Taylor,” which turns out to be a link to a fun article, but not exactly what I was hoping for—period home video of a callow libertarian youth earning his erotic spurs astride mighty Liz. Like me, Nick can’t quite get a…
The War Party, Still In Control
So we’re going to war, again! Why, it seems like only yesterday that Barack Obama was promising to end “a” war. Well, yes, he did, and it does seem like he’s ending the war in Iraq, pretty much (to my surprise), but that doesn’t mean he isn’t ready to start another one. The President’s actions…
Wynton Marsalis—“Green Chimneys” Part 1
More Monk, More Marsalis. Why not? Posted by “HOUSEOFTRIBES” Wynton Marsalis—“Green Chimneys” Part 2
The New York Times, bravely calling a spade a spade, when Asians are involved
The New York Times has been notoriously squeamish about labeling waterboarding and other vicious acts of torture indulged in by the Bush Administration, and sedulously never inquired about by the Obama Administration, as “torture,” on the grounds that, well, the Bush folks said that it wasn’t torture, and the Times never takes sides in a…
“Tom” plays “Ask Me Now”
Posted by “spheremusik,” aka Tom Luther. Also features photos of Damariscotta in February, looking very much as you might imagine it would.
DeLong punks Krugman
That is to say, DeLong punks Krugman if “punk” means “point out the gaping logical and factual fallacies in an opponent’s argument.” Berkeley economist Brad DeLong frequently links to Princeton economist and Nobel winner about town Paul Krugman with an enthusiasm that can approach hero worship. Today, however, Brad shows himself to be a man…