In this morning’s column, Paul Krugman takes dead aim at the unnamed idiots who believe that Democrats and Republicans are equally to blame for the slow, or not so slow, moving economic disaster rumbling towards us. He is, most obviously, attacking two dudes with whom he shares space on the New York Times editorial page,…
Fat guy, has difficulty breathing, maybe won’t be running for president in 2012
Tough-talking New Jersey lardbutt Chris Christie just lost a step in the 2012 presidential race, in which he wasn’t running any way, after checking into a hospital as a result of an asthma attack. Get better soon, Chris!
The Debt Crisis—Oy the Hypocrisy
Was there ever a crisis so tedious and unnecessary as the current debt crisis—a monument to the hypocrisy of the American people, who want the world, but don’t want to have to pay for it? I’ve written before of the “tear it down, tear it all down” fervor of the Tea Party crew, but what…
Kissinger on China: A bad man on a fraudulent road gets to the right destination
Being a continuation of Monday’s rant, “Taking Kissinger seriously—an infantile disease” A couple of days ago I was riffing on Aaron Friedberg’s review of Henry Kissinger’s latest authorial offense, On China. Despite being crammed with all manner of Kissingerian offensiveness, about which I’ve expatiated at length in the past, Henry’s conclusion—that there’s no reason for…
Taking Kissinger seriously—an infantile disease
Over at the New Republic, Aaron Friedberg, author of A Contest for Supremacy: China, America, and the Struggle for Mastery in Asia, has a nice essay taking off of Henry Kissinger’s latest and greatest, On China, which I previously subjected to bitter and protracted ridicule here. Since Mr. Friedman knows quite a bit about China,…
John Fedchock New York Big Band—“Ruby My Dear”
Posted by “bonegasm” Personnel: saxes: Mark Vinci, Charles Pillow, Rich Perry, Rick Margitza, Scott Robinson trumpets: Jon Owens, Frank Greene, Scott Wendholt, Barry Ries trombones: John Fedchock, Keith O’Quinn, Clark Gayton, George Flynn piano: Allen Farnham bass: Todd Coolman drums: John Riley
Releasing your inner hyena
Over at the New Yorker, John Cassidy has a New Yorkerish (but still pretty good and not too dickish) profile of hedge-fund multi-billionaire Ray Dalio, whose zen Darwinist approach to capitalism has won him both hard cash and ridicule from the likes of New York magazine, whose earlier profile/takedown of Dalio is headlined “Pursuing Self-Interest…
Felix Salmon, too easily impressed
I’m a huge fan of Felix Salmon’s website, although I don’t think “a slice of lime in the soda” is going to beat “The Republic of Letters has a new address,” but Felix certainly comes a cropper with this installment, “The Smart and Charming Larry Summers.” Felix admits to not being much of a fan…
Houston, I have a migraine
What is it with these Republican presidential candidates? Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels decides not to run because of an embarrassing family secret: he and his wife divorced, she ran off to California and married her high school sweetheart, discovered that she was no longer in high school and divorced him, moved back to Indiana and…
The Washington Post—Excavatin’ the Abyss
There’s a new root cellar over at the Washington Post. It’s under the turnip cellar and the storm cellar, below the subcellar under the parking garage. That’s how low the Post had to go in its July 16 warning to the British Parliament (and others) not to go “too far” in their investigation of Rupert…