Eric Montigny, piano; Ronald Alphonse, sax; Daniele Israel, trombone; Laurent Bernarnd, bass; Stéphane Lambotte, percussion; Dimitri Granger, percussion; David Patrois, vibraphone & marimba. Posted by “tostud”
Time Magazine, still shitty after all these years
Back in the day—that long ago day known as “the Fifties”—all good liberals regarded Time Magazine with loathing and contempt. Henry Luce, Time’s founder and publisher, was the Rupert Murdoch of his day. Millions of people across the country felt they knew what was happening around the world thanks to Time, much to the liberals’…
Hard-headed CEOs demand that Obama show leadership and solve their problems for them
Just when you feel totally exasperated by President Obama’s mealy-mouthed, don’t hit me reasonable man meme, along come a passel of two-fisted, tough-talking CEOs to make the President look good. Over at the Daily Beast, Lloyd Grove and McKay Coppins corral a bunch of business big-wigs to get the low-down on the mess in Washington,…
And we know that how?
According to Politico, “Taliban helicopter shooter killed by United States.” How do we know that? Because Marine Gen. John Allen said so, that’s why. And how does he know that? Don’t ask. Politico didn’t.
George Will: Eating words if not mincing them
Over at the American Conservative, which is not entirely All Pat Buchanan, All the Time—and Pat, as the only living American Falangist, deserves more respect than he gets—Daniel Larison has a chuckle over George Will’s discomfiture over the “circus” known as the Ames straw poll. Last March, George announced, in the sort of neo-Burkean harumph…
Well, they sure looked militant to me
Obama: Not that innocent
I’ve been expressing some sympathy for President Obama these last several days. He does, after all, have to put up with the Republicans, for whom I have no sympathy at all. But, as Dahlia Lithwick has recently reminded us, the guy does have his faults. In a recent article in Slate, Dahlia brings us up…
Clueless Candidate in a Pantless Bar
Missouri Republican Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder probably wishes he had kept his mouth shut last winter when he ran into former Penthouse Pet (circa 1992) Tammy Chapman at Verlin’s Bar and Grill in St. Louis, supposedly known for “pantless parties.” But he didn’t, and now Tammy is opening hers, saying that Pete, who had known…
Scapegoats, Please
The Republican Party. Well, that was easy. I could blame poor Tim Geithner, whom I’m starting to feel sorry for. Tim was last seen furiously denouncing Standard & Poors for venturing the opinion that things don’t seem to be working too smoothly down in Washington. Felix Salmon posted a very nice column yesterday morning explaining…
Joo-Heon Kim—“Think of One”
Monk in Korean. Piano: Joo-Heon Kim, Bass: Chang-Hyun Kim, Drums: Hong-Gie Kim. Posted by heonkim80.