Monk Inc, featuring Ben Higham (trumpet, flugelhorn and tuba), Simon Youngman (soprano and alto sax), Mark Read (bass trumpet and tuba), Ivars Galenieks (double bass), and Geoff Charlton (drums). Posted by tmrn21 andrew lawrence zach hobin will mason Posted by wmason88
Better never than late? I protest!
Okay, I’m a week late and a dollar short with this one. Who cares? They’re Republicans! Plus, Rick is fooling with the birther thing, Herman doesn’t know if he’s pro-choice or not and he also can’t remember how much he hates gays. So these guys are totally free game in my book. So, why did…
Donald Rumsfeld’s head: It’s Alive!
Last week I ended a post on the imminent (well, end of the year) withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq with a melodramatic flourish, comparing the U.S embassy in Iraq to an empty skull staring out across the desert sands with sightless eyes—the idea being that the embassy, built by the Bush Administration at the…
Centaur talking!
It does look like the analyst is talking here in this New Yorker cartoon. But why waste a centaur? I don’t understand. Go here to see the New Yorker cartoon contest. “Hell yes I blame my parents! Wouldn’t you?” “Recognition I get, but what I want is chicks.” “I shit on this guy’s rug once,…
Look who’s talking, Part II
So who is talking? It seems like both of them are. So what are they saying? As the man says, you pays your money and you takes your choice. Rick: “Save it for the shower, girlfriend.” Rick: “Stop talking and pull my damn finger.” Rick: “That is so not high C.” Rick: “Do that one…
Murder most foul, continued
I seem to spend an unconscionable amount of time making fun of the New Yorker on this blog, but sometimes they nail it. The nailer, in this case, is Amy Davidson, with this blog entry on the Obama Administration’s latest triumph, the murder of Anwar al-Awlaki’s 16-yer-old son, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, which, Amy says, makes her…
Disaster, Death, and Destruction—the Bush Legacy
In its more than 1200 years of existence, Baghdad has accumulated many monuments to human greed, stupidity, and folly. The city got off to a very good start in 762 when the caliph Al Mansur founded it as the capital city for the Abbasid Empire and for centuries it was one of the greatest cities…
Bellevue Jazz Festival Rising Stars —“Brilliant Corners”
Colin Ramsay, Max Bates, Eddie Bond, Joe Gladow, Mal Muntz, and Ariel Pocock. Sorry, but I don’t have the instrumentation. I’m guessing that it’s Ariel on piano. Posted by alecramsay
Editorial standards at the New York Times: What has four legs and goes “Woof, Woof, Woof”?
Over at the New Yorker, Ken Auletta devotes what appears by my count to be about twenty column feet to the long, happy career of NYT Executive Editor Jill Abramson. Somewhere around the twelve-foot mark Ken mentions that while Abramson was managing editor of the Times, she “began writing a popular online column for the…
Touching words, disastrous deeds
It was very moving to hear President Obama speak at the dedication of the Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial yesterday. A black President of the United States, speaking of the career of the man symbolized, more than any other, the American civil rights movement, is something worth hearing. I wish that President Obama’s deeds were…